“What is Filk?”

This panel was held in the Hyatt Baker room on Friday afternoon at 1PM. From the start, these musicians were comical, demonstrating how the filking community is more than a gathering; it’s family. This panel explained what filking is. Its origins started in 1936, and it has evolved into a genre of folk music geared to science-fiction/fantasy fans. As Leslie… Read more →

Celebrating Jim Henson and the Art of Puppetry

Puppetry is alive and well and loved at Dragon Con. Cheryl Henson, the second daughter of the late—and beloved—Jim Henson, joined Dragon Con for the first time on Friday to talk about her family’s most recent contributions to her father’s legacy and walk through some of his greatest contributions to pop culture via puppetry. She brought along a slide show… Read more →

Daredevil Sets a New Tone for the Marvel Universe

For a show that’s only existed since April, Daredevil has found some die-hard fans among longtime readers and new binge-watchers. Since its debut in a massive, binge-worthy 13-hour series on Netflix, Daredevil has brought a unique tone to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. On hand to discuss were Gary Mitchel, writer and reviewer for RevolutionSF.com, Earth Station One podcaster Jennifer Hartshorn,… Read more →

Friday Night Costume Contest Winners

Friday Night Costume Contest Winners

Best Tech: Jeff Leininger Best Prop: Frank Puricelli Best Make-up: Vera Campbell Best Use of Materials: Jessica Volpe Best Youth: Robin Desilets Best Novice: Mikael Simpson Best Journeyman: Shannon Derrick Best Professional: Ashlee Hackett and Samantha Evans Audience Choice: Vera Campbell Best in Show: Shannon Derrick insert more

The Legacy of Cthulhu

The Westin Peachtree 1–2 room, Friday 7PM, was standing-room only for the presentation of “Cthulhu: New Spins on Old Mythos.” The panel consisted of Richard Lee Byers, Kenneth Hite, John Hornor Jacobs, Jonathan Maberry, Michael J. Martinez, and James R. Tuck. The panel agreed that H. P. Lovecraft had a significant impact on horror fiction. Lovecraft’s creativity put a spin… Read more →

A Reunion of Dwarves

A Reunion of Dwarves

When dwarves get together, it’s always a bit of a raucous time (just ask Bilbo), and the panel on Friday at 1PM in Centennial II–III (Hyatt) was no different. From the outset of the panel, Peter Hambleton, Stephen Hunter, and Dean O’Gorman joked, laughed, and poked fun at each other, seeming to enjoy themselves on the panel as much as… Read more →

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. After Dark

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. After Dark

Ever wonder where S.H.I.E.L.D. agents go after they die? “They’re all hanging out having coffee at Warehouse 13,” Eddie McClintock theorized after he crashed the “Guests of S.H.I.E.L.D.” panel on Friday at 7PM in the Westin Peachtree Ballroom. Death, superheroes, resurrection, and shoelace romance were recurring themes in this lively panel that included B.J. Britt and Edward James Olmos. In… Read more →