Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

It’s hot out there. And I’m not talking about sexy-costume or washboard-abs heat. I’m talking about summer in Atlanta, the sun beating down on your face, humidity levels making the walls sweat hot. We’re in the early hours of Dragon Con, and this reporter has the best interests of convention attendees at heart. Please make sure to drink fluids that… Read more →

First Dragon Con for a Foreign Teen

This tale begins with an airplane. When going to Dragon Con from afar, one of the first tasks to complete is the customs and security line. Once that overdose of paranoia has successfully finished searching every nook and cranny that has ever existed throughout all of history and violating every ounce of human dignity you possess, you actually get to… Read more →

Thursday Pre-Con Daily Dragon Issue Hot off the Presses

Our 2014 Thursday issue of the Daily Dragon is now available. Pink is the color for Thursday, available at the info booths and registration. Or download the PDF: [gview file=”https://www.dragoncon.org/dailydragon/wp-content/uploads/thursday_082814.pdf” save=”0″][Download the 2014 Thursday Daily Dragon as a PDF]

Come Drive With Me…to the Blood Drive, That Is

One of the most important events happening at Dragon Con is the Blood Drive. Donate blood at the Dragon Con Blood Drive. LifeSouth is the sponsor again this year. In 2013, there were 2,972 donors and 7,544 units of blood were collected. Let’s see if our fantastic Con goers can beat this. There will be two locations to participate: Room… Read more →

BAEN Author Signings

Don’t miss your favorite Baen author signings at The Missing Volume, booths 328, 329, and 330, level 2 AmericasMart Yellow section: Friday 6pm: David Weber and Timothy Zahn Saturday Noon: Michael Z. Williamson 1pm: John Ringo Sunday 1pm: Jody Lynn Nye 4pm: Charles E. Gannon 5pm: Les Johnson 6pm: Mark L. Van Name