Pay It Forward With Blood

One of the most important events happening at Dragon Con is the Blood Drive. This year, The Heinlein Society, in conjunction with Life South, is sponsoring this wonderful opportunity for Dragon Con attendees to pay it forward. The goal this year was to gather 1,500 pints each day Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Sunday and Monday’s goal is 500 pints each… Read more →

The Parade is Not Just About the Costume…But it Helps

The Parade is Not Just About the Costume…But it Helps

The Dragon Con Parade is about people coming together and sharing a love for all things geeky. Whether it is Science Fiction, Fantasy, or Science, there is something for everyone. The parade offers the opportunity to showcase yourself and your passions. One of the groups in the parade is the Periodic Table. Jennie Law is the director. Although she is… Read more →

Five Truths and a Lie Podcast

The crowd was wowed, touched, and laughing uproariously Saturday night in the Hilton Grand Ballroom West for the Five Truths and a Lie Podcast. Hosted by Five Truths and a Lie creators and podcasters Audrey Kearns and Brian Bradley, the premise of the game is that for a specified theme, five storytellers recount an event from their lives and the… Read more →

Hero, Villain, or Both?

Saturday night in the Grand Ballroom of the Sheraton, the house was slamming hero-and-villain style. According to the program, special preference was given in the lineup for those dressed as their favorite good or bad character. This reporter scoped the crowd, trying to calculate whether heroes or villains tipped the numbers scale in their favor. Near the start, the heroes… Read more →

Comic Book Shop [Thrift Shop Parody]

At the Page to Stage contest on Saturday night, DCTVpremiered the video Comic Book Shop, a parody of Macklemore and Ryan Lewis’s video Thrift Shop. Speaking as someone who has Thrift Shop on high rotation on her iPod, the video is brilliant. And I don’t use that word lightly. With so many tips of the hat to comic book readers,… Read more →

Sea Dragons: Night at the Georgia Aquarium

Sea Dragons: Night at the Georgia Aquarium

The Annual Dragon Con Night at the Aquarium was once again a swimming success. The aquarium is a totally different experience at night; the lights were dimmed, the DJ was rocking, and the dance floor was full. The Georgia Aquarium is the world’s largest and is home to the only captive whale sharks in the Western hemisphere. River otters, dolphins,… Read more →

John Barrowman is Out of Superhero Underwear

John Barrowman is Out of Superhero Underwear

John Barrowman returned to Dragon Con this year to reunite with his Torchwood cast mates. But before he took the stage with the crew, he did a solo panel called “John Barrowman Live!” on Friday at 11:30AM in the Marriott Atrium Ballroom. John’s panel antics are legendary–at a previous Dragon Con he pulled down his pants and spanked himself—so, expectations… Read more →