K. Tempest Bradford

Tempest Bradford is a science fiction and fantasy author by night and a technology journalist by day. When she's not geeking out over the latest phone, coolest tablet, or most useful laptop, she spends her time absorbing, analyzing, and writing about genre media. Oh, and writing fiction, too.

Her published stories and random thoughts can be found on her blog and website at KTempestBradford.com.

Quick Q&A With Farscape's Lani Tupu

Quick Q&A With Farscape’s Lani Tupu

Lani Tupu is most recognizable to Farscape fans as the show’s first antagonist, Bialar Crais. He was also the voice of Pilot, one of the alien creatures created for the show by the Jim Henson Creature Shop. We were able to snag some time with him just before Dragon Con officially ended. Daily Dragon (DD): CGI or Puppets? Lani Tupu… Read more →

Dream Logic, Murder Wizardry, and Flower Crowns: a Conversation with Cleolinda Jones

You might know Cleolinda Jones (@cleolinda on Twitter) from her epic Twilight recaps, Movies in 15 Minutes, or her involvement in Hannibal fandom. Ever since the NBC show premiered last year she’s not only recapped all of the episodes but also developed an eyeshadow line called This Is My Design with the folks behind fansite Tattle-Crime.com. She’s here repping Hannibal… Read more →

Antagonist/Protagonist - Both Sides Now: A Conversation with Major Crimes' Mary McDonnell

Antagonist/Protagonist – Both Sides Now: A Conversation with Major Crimes’ Mary McDonnell

Actress Mary McDonnell has once again returned to Dragon Con after a few years away. While she may always be Battlestar Galactica’s President Laura Roslin to many fans, I’m really enjoying her work on TNT’s Major Crimes where she plays Captain Sharon Raydor. McDonnell always brings a quiet power to the roles she plays, often embodying women who are commanding… Read more →