’23 Interviews

For the Love of Art: Annie Stegg-Gerard and Justin Gerard

It’s impossible to walk past the booth of artists Annie Stegg-Gerard and Justin Gerard without noticing their gorgeous oil paintings. And if you stop, enraptured by the compositions and subtle use of color, it’s even harder not to take a piece home to admire at your leisure. Each painting exudes beauty and joy. Annie and Justin collaborated for last year’s… Read more →

Cheese and Spaghetti Bolognese Man, Paul Bettany

Cheese and Spaghetti Bolognese Man, Paul Bettany

The excitement in the Hyatt Centennial Ballroom II–IV Saturday at 4PM was palpable as Paul Bettany was introduced. None of us knew exactly how much of the conversation would be about cheese when moderator Tony P. Henderson started the questions. There was quite a lot of discussion about food, including what Bettany’s favorite meals are. He said that he had… Read more →

Writing, Music, Performing, and Martial Arts, the Keith R.A. DeCandido Blend

Writing, Music, Performing, and Martial Arts, the Keith R.A. DeCandido Blend

Keith R.A. DeCandido writes novels, including media tie-ins with popular science fiction series, as well as work in universes of his own creation. He also writes comic books, short stories, vignettes, game modules, and nonfiction, including blogs for Tor.com. Writing isn’t his only interest, though. He also performs as a musician and voice actor, and teaches karate to kids. In… Read more →

The Many Faces of Gini Koch

The Many Faces of Gini Koch

Gini Koch writes novels, novellas, novelettes, and short stories under a variety of pen names. Her works include science fiction, fantasy, paranormal, space opera, urban fantasy, mystery, suspense, romantic suspense, weird west, and more. According to her website, “if it’s a genre, she writes it.” She’s also interested in pop culture, comics, and animation. Her debut novel, Touched by An… Read more →

From Alligator to Outer Space—A Chat With Marisa Wolf

From Alligator to Outer Space—A Chat With Marisa Wolf

Marisa Wolf may be the only author at Dragon Con who was once head-butted by an alligator—and survived! A black belt in tae kwon do, she writes science fiction, fantasy, and many points between. In 2022, she made her solo editorial debut with The Valkyries Initiative. Daily Dragon (DD): Marisa, please tell us about your first publication. Marisa Wolf (MW):… Read more →

Blending Comic Books, Fiction, Acting, and Art with Bobby Nash

Blending Comic Books, Fiction, Acting, and Art with Bobby Nash

Bobby Nash writes novels, comic books, short fiction, and occasional screenplays. He also appears from time to time in movies and TV shows. His writing has won numerous awards, including Best Author in the 2013 Pulp Ark Awards, Best Pulp Character of 2013 (co-creator), the 2018 Pulp Factory award for Best Short Story, the 2020 New Pulp Fiction Award from… Read more →

Author Omnibus: AI, Boon or Bane for Fiction Writers?

Author Omnibus: AI, Boon or Bane for Fiction Writers?

Artificial intelligence, or AI, writing aids, tools, and apps present writers with help in topics ranging from grammar to creativity. Is AI an advantage for fiction writers, a snare, or even a bandit? The Daily Dragon asked professionals for comments pro and con. (Contributors were encouraged to answer only those questions that applied to their situation.) Daily Dragon (DD): What… Read more →

Hieber and Janes Create a Cornucopia of Spirits

Hieber and Janes Create a Cornucopia of Spirits

Check out Leanna Renee Hieber’s website. You’ll find a treasure of fiction suitable for any Dragon Con reader’s hoard. So what does Hieber do next? Enter A Haunted History of Invisible Women: True Stories of America’s Ghosts by Leanna Renee Hieber and Andrea Janes (Citadel Press 2022). A finalist in the 2022 Bram Stoker Awards® for Superior Achievement in Non–Fiction,… Read more →