’23 Panels/Events

Likes, Follows, and Newsletters—Oh, My!

Building a following on social media is no easy task and at times incredibly overwhelming for those new to business-side social media. News flash: building up your fans and followers using social media isn’t as easy as clicking “send” on a post you thought of five minutes before. Marketing yourself and your product on social media takes time, effort, consistency,… Read more →

Annie Stegg Brings a Dragon to Life

Annie Stegg Brings a Dragon to Life

Watching artist Annie Stegg Gerard paint a dragon is an amazing experience. During the “Painting Demo with Annie” panel Saturday at 11:30AM in Hyatt Grand Hall D, Annie continued to work on a project she began at last year’s Dragon Con. At the beginning of the panel, the canvas held only an underpainting of deep golden tones with a few… Read more →

Toni Weisskopf: The Black Swan Event and Publishing

Baen Books Publisher Toni Weisskopf began her address to Jody Lynn Nye’s Writer’s Two-Day Intensive Workshop with astute comments about the Black Swan event of 2020. Visions of Natalie Portman danced in my head. That’s not what Weisskopf meant. The erudite book impresario actually referred to Black Swan as “an event or occurrence previously thought to be impossible” (kudos, Free… Read more →

Cheese and Spaghetti Bolognese Man, Paul Bettany

Cheese and Spaghetti Bolognese Man, Paul Bettany

The excitement in the Hyatt Centennial Ballroom II–IV Saturday at 4PM was palpable as Paul Bettany was introduced. None of us knew exactly how much of the conversation would be about cheese when moderator Tony P. Henderson started the questions. There was quite a lot of discussion about food, including what Bettany’s favorite meals are. He said that he had… Read more →

‘Weirder Stuff’ Season 5 Fan Theories: Hot or Not?

On the Fan Track Streaming Channel at 5:30pm, moderator Damian Allen guided ‘Weirder Stuff’ superfans Abbie Garcia-Sanchez, Bill Price, Derik Garcia-Sanchez, Elijah Pilgrim, and Jennie Byrd-Peterson through some of the most interesting controversial intriguing bonkers likely (decide for yourself) fan theories for Season 5, which will be the beloved show’s last. Max is imprisoned within Vecna’s mind and will take… Read more →

Are There Boundaries in YA Today? It Depends on Your Readers

Are There Boundaries in YA Today? It Depends on Your Readers

The “YA Today: Are There Boundaries? What Are They?” panel took place in the Writer’s Track in the Hyatt Embassy at 11:30AM Saturday morning. The panelists were authors Jay Boyce, Katie Cross, Claudia Gray, Isabelle Hardesty, A.J. Hartley, and L.H. Nicole. Hardesty, as moderator, started things off by asking the panelists what modern kids are looking for in a book?… Read more →

Where There be Monsters

On the Fan Track Channel on Friday at 4PM, Dragon Con attendees were treated to “The History, Evolution, and Fun of D&D Monsters,” as discussed by moderator Rush Lilavivat and Abby Plemmons, two grade-A Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) game masters. Lilavivat gave a comprehensive overview of the visual evolution of D&D Monsters, discussing how co-creator Gary Gygax started the original… Read more →

NATO: Not Done Just Yet!

NATO: Not Done Just Yet!

The NSDMG/War College track welcomed members to the Westin Augusta C Saturday morning to hear a talk on the history of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and address the question of its relevance in the 2020s. University of North Georgia Political Science Professor Craig Greathouse led those in attendance through the history of NATO with particular emphasis on how… Read more →