’24 Panels/Events

Cosplay Diversity: Black Geeks of Dragon Con

Cosplay Diversity: Black Geeks of Dragon Con

The Black Geeks of Dragon Con held its 8th annual photo shoot on Sunday at 2:30PM on the back steps of the Hilton. Channing Sherman started the group after his family and friends commented about the lack of African-American interest in science fiction and associated multi-genre conventions. He began by taking photos of “Black Geeks” he met during Dragon Con,… Read more →

It’s All About the Story: Magic and Combat in Fantasy

Sunday afternoon the Fantasy Literature track welcomed Nicoli Gonnella, JC Kang, Bryce O’Connor, Davis Ashura, and T.J. Reynolds to the Hyatt Embassy to discuss the convergence of magic and weapons in fantasy. Jay Boyce, moderator of the session, after acknowledging the prevalence magic as part of combat in Fantasy literature, began by asking the panelists to reflect upon the relationship… Read more →

“So You Want to be a Puppeteer” Panel Invites New Puppeteers to Join the Fun

Pros and aspiring puppeteers gathered for “So You Want to Be a Puppeteer…” in the Puppetry track in the Marriott, Thursday at 7PM. Raymond Daniel Carr served as moderator for the remaining panelists Sarah Frechettist, Kurt Hunter, and Kat Pleviak, with track director Beau Brown also joining. Frechettist said that she played with dolls until high school and attended the… Read more →

What is a Classic Anyway?

The Sci-Fi Literature track at Dragon Con convened a panel Sunday afternoon at 4PM in their track room (Hyatt Embassy AB) to grapple with the issue of “classics” in Science Fiction. Jean Marie Ward moderated the panel which brought Storm Humbert, Gray Rinehart, Robert J. Sawyer, Alison Tracy, and Ben Yalow together for a passionate hour of discussion and debate…. Read more →

High Impact: D&D and High Fantasy

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), the High Fantasy track at Dragon Con welcomed Michael Chatfield, Matt Dinniman, Brianna Marie, and Jay Boyce to the Marriott track room (L401-403) Sunday at 5:30PM to examine the impact of D&D upon a generation of fantasy authors who grew up with it. John G. Hartness moderated the panel which… Read more →

Writers Workshop Guests Courtney Sarnow Lytle and A.J. Hartley Present Issues of AI and Growing Multicultural Fiction

Jody Lynn Nye continued her tradition of giving Writers’ Workshop alumni the privilege of returning each year to hear guest speakers for further education in the mysteries of writing.  On Thursday afternoon in Hyatt Kennesaw, as a former student of Nye, I enjoyed this perk and attended presentations by the irrepressible Courtney Sarnow Lytle, Atlanta intellectual property attorney, and by… Read more →