Funny Things that Happened on the Way to Becoming John Cleese

Funny Things that Happened on the Way to Becoming John Cleese

In the world of celebrity, John Cleese occupies rarefied air: Living Legend. Monty Python member. Fawlty Towers proprietor. Knight of the Round Table. Minister of Silly Walks. And sure enough, as moderator Stephanie Crugnola introduced him Saturday at 1PM in the Marriott Atrium Ballroom, he shambled on stage, looking a little lost before he sat and said, “That was my… Read more →

The Magical World of the Dragon Con Common Room

The Magical World of the Dragon Con Common Room

Wizarding fans from across the country gathered in the Marriott Atrium Ballroom on Friday at 4PM and in the Marriott Imperial Ballroom on Saturday at 11:30AM to welcome some of our favorite Gryffindors to Dragon Con. “Live from the Gryffindor Common Room!” gave fans a chance to ask some of their most pressing questions to Matthew Lewis, James Phelps, Oliver… Read more →

The Motivational Speaker You’ve Always Needed: Giancarlo Esposito

The Motivational Speaker You’ve Always Needed: Giancarlo Esposito

Giancarlo Esposito brought his water-smooth voice to the Marriott Atrium Ballroom on Friday evening at 5:30PM, and as a man who often wields it to turn the most mundane words into a cutting threat, he showed that he also loves using it for good; a positive, affirming man ready and willing to inspire and empower whoever needs it. Sitting beside… Read more →

Adventures in Worldbuilding

Friday at 11:30AM in Hyatt Embassy EF, Darin M. Bush, James J. Butcher, Keith R.A. DeCandido, Seressia Glass, AJ Hartley, and Trisha J. Wooldridge participated in a panel on worldbuilding, “Where in the World Are We Anyway?” Wooldridge, the moderator, opened the panel by asking the panelists to describe their approaches to worldbuilding. DeCandido pointed out that setting defines fantasy… Read more →

Anti-Heroes and the Apocalypse

Friday at 11:30AM, the American Sci-fi Classics track met in M103-M105 (Marriott) for the panel “No Future For You: Punk Rock Sci-Fi of the 1980s.” Moderator Kevin Cafferty chatted with panelists Gary Mitchell, Joe Crow, Steve Glover, Calvin Watts, III, Andrew E.C. Gaska, and Chris Cummins shared their thoughts on a wide range of 80s movies that fit the description… Read more →

Take Your Writing to the Next Level

Have you written a short story or novel and want professional feedback? If so, Dragon Con’s Writers’ Workshop offers a rewarding way to find out how to polish your writing. Led by Jodie Lynn Nye, author of 56 books and 200 short stories, this year’s two-day workshop gave attendees a chance to get pointers and critiques on Thursday and Friday… Read more →

Don’t Put Your Hand in the Hole

Don’t Put Your Hand in the Hole

At the “The Benefits of Being a Marine Biologist Beyond Growling at Shark Week” panel from the Science Track in the Hilton Crystal Ballroom on Friday at 4PM, Jamie Bernstein served as the panel moderator, with speakers Sophia Corde, Joe Hansen, Lucas Hernandez, and Arras Wiedorn, all of whom are marine biologists or work with animals in some capacity. Bernstein… Read more →

“I have to do this!" An Hour with Walter Koenig

“I have to do this!” An Hour with Walter Koenig

Dragon Con welcomed Star Trek legend Walter Koenig to the Hilton Salon Friday at 5:30PM for an hour of conversation and reminiscence. Koenig’s friend and Trek Track director, Garett Wang, offered a master class on moderating a panel. The session began unlike any this reporter has ever experienced. Just after his introduction and arrival on stage, Koenig, 88 years old… Read more →