Star Trek Picard Guests: Filling the Space and Having Fun

Star Trek Picard Guests: Filling the Space and Having Fun

The Trek track took over the Courtland Grand ballroom Friday at 2:30PM to welcome Santiago Cabrera, Ashlei Sharpe Chestnut, and Michelle Hurd from Star Trek: Picard for a sweeping Q&A. Steve Denham, who moderated the session, facilitated the conversation. The session began with an interesting question about the way in which the actors managed and maneuvered in the “space” of… Read more →

Learning How to Chainmail

Learning How to Chainmail

Each year the Costuming Track offers a wide variety of make-n-take workshops. In these workshops, you receive hands-on instruction on how to perform a skill and have a keepsake to show off your new skill at the end. For this beginner-level workshop, participants learned the basics of completing a chainmail dice bag. On Friday at 2:30PM in Hilton 306, Ottilie… Read more →

Conan the Movie Star

Conan the Movie Star

The High Fantasy track kicked off its Friday programming with a 10AM panel in its Marriott track room (L401-403) examining the Conan franchise on film. Moderated by Mel Todd, Milton Davis, Brian D. Anderson, and Violette Meier discussed the film adaptations of Robert E. Howard’s famous barbarian hero. Conan exploded onto the big screen, and popular culture, with 1982’s Conan… Read more →

Patrick Warburton: Family Guy and Funny Man

Patrick Warburton: Family Guy and Funny Man

Patrick Warburton brought all the good feelings Friday at 4PM in the Hilton Salon. His iconic deep voice, his family, and his love of Disney were all on full display as he answered fan questions and talked with moderator Crispy, who asked what geeks him out. Turns out, its Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam. Warburton described Vedder a sweet person… Read more →

Networking to Forming Genuine Connections

Networking to Forming Genuine Connections

“The Power of Friendship and Networking” panel took place on the Sci-Fi Literature track on Friday at 10:00 AM in Hyatt Embassy AB. The panel was moderated by Marisa Wolf, with speakers Michael J Allen, Chris. A. Jackson, Gini Koch, William Joseph Roberts, and Melissa Olthoff. The upbeat and energetic panel emphasized the importance of starting conversations, because you never… Read more →

Demystifying a Publishing House

Guest speaker Toni Weisskopf revealed some of the mysteries of traditional publishing houses to the attendees of the Writers’ Workshop on Friday at 2PM in the Hanover meeting room of the Hyatt. As editor and publisher of Baen Books, Weisskopf shared tips to help aspiring authors navigate the process of submitting their work. The first thing she recommended is to… Read more →

Once of the Shadows, Always of the Shadows

Once of the Shadows, Always of the Shadows

Kayvan Novak stormed the stage in the Westin Peachtree Ballroom on Friday at 1PM, arms raised, and vampire fangs bared. Behind him, Harvey Guillen slinked past, sat, and waited for the applause to end. Guillen quietly deadpanned: “Anywhere he goes, I go.” Applause erupted again, because if you know What We Do in the Shadows, you know this entrance captures… Read more →