’05 Writers Track

Crispin Offers Self-Editing, Marketing Tips

Ann Crispin offered self-editing and marketing tips at her Advanced Writers’ Workshop at Dragon*Con 2005. The author of twenty-two novels, including seven New York Times bestsellers and Storms of Destiny, the first novel in a new fantasy trilogy published by EOS, Crispin annually shares her insights on writing and publishing with new and veteran writers at Dragon*Con. This year, Ann… Read more →

Mad, Biting Cows Threaten Writers’ Track Audience

Tales of biting cows threatened to turn otherwise tame writers feral during a Writers’ Track research panel on Sunday afternoon. What could have been a deadly dull panel on research dos and don’ts became an amusing showcase of research disasters. Among the research mistakes described by panelists were pregnant mules and a bizarre magical village perched atop an active volcano…. Read more →

A. C. Crispin Workshops Spawn Online Groups, Publication Success

Best-selling author Ann C. Crispin’s Dragon*Con workshops have generated two successful online writers’ groups and published stories and novels by at least six of Crispin’s students, Crispin told her Advanced Writers’ Workshop students Sunday. The workshop had a full roster of 18 students and featured self-editing and marketing/promotion this year. The first online writers’ support and critique group started as… Read more →