’12 Info

Got a Question? Check out the Daily Dragon FAQ!

We get a lot of questions from y’all, and we’re glad to be able to help you make the most of your Dragon*Con, but we figured it was time to put together a Daily Dragon FAQ to address the most common ones. We’d appreciate it if you checked it out before you emailed or tweeted us with your questions.

Disability Services at Dragon*Con

Dragon*Con supports equal access and provides on-site assistance for anyone who has a disability. We seek to do our utmost to provide equal access to our attendees with disabilities in accordance with State and Federal Law. Dragon*Con members with mobility impairments or hearing, vision, or any other legal disability that could affect your Dragon*Con experience, if you need any assistance,… Read more →

2012 Progress Report Cover

2012 Progress Report Online

Our 2012 Progress Report is now being mailed out and showing up at comic book stores all around Atlanta! But don’t despair if you didn’t get it. You can view it online or download it. Don’t miss this 64-page booklet detailing the latest information on guests, fan tracks, contests, dealers/exhibitors, and other convention related information.