The Many Charity Auctions of Dragon Con

All day Saturday, the charity auctions have been aiming to reach their goal of $100,000 (and hopefully set a record). The Noah’s Ark Animal Sanctuary will receive 50% of the proceeds, the Georgia Conservancy 30%, and the Marcus Autism Center 20%. This year, Dragon Con asked its fans to help select our three official charities via polls on social media…. Read more →

Welcome Mitch Pileggi

Welcome Mitch Pileggi

Mitch Pileggi is at Dragon Con for the first time this year. With his signature charm and geniality, the actor graced the stage in the Centennial I room of the Hyatt Saturday at 2:30 for the X-Track. Pileggi was asked how he earned the part of Walter Skinner. After two auditions for other roles on the show, Pileggi’s agent talked… Read more →

Dragon Con’s Audience Talent in Evidence at Klingon Karaoke

At the Klingon Karaoke event on Friday, 8:30PM, in the Sheraton Athens room, audience members volunteered to sing popular karaoke songs. The first singer, dressed as a Riza cheerleader, sang “Girls Just Want to Have Fun.” The enthusiastic audience sang and clapped along. This was true of many of the songs selected. In fact in some cases, the audience drowned… Read more →

To Be a Ranger of Gondor

To Be a Ranger of Gondor

What does it take to be a Ranger of Gondor besides strength, courage, and marksmanship?  A Ranger’s outfit, of course. This reporter spotted an awesome, authentic-looking Ranger at the “Hobbits Heroes and Villains” panel on Saturday afternoon at 1PM, Centennial II-III (Hy) and pulled him aside to get the scoop on the suit. The Ranger is Mickey Flint, a first-time… Read more →

Full House for Men of Urban Fantasy

Full House for Men of Urban Fantasy

A capacity crowd applauded and laughed through the Men of Urban Fantasy (UF) panel, Fri 8:30PM, International Ballroom (W).  Fans took every chair, stood, or sat on the floor. In the hallway outside the panel, more fans discussed the popularity of the genre and the panelists’ books as they waited for space in the room to become available. Kevin J…. Read more →

Science Fiction or Fantasy: Picking a Label

The Science Fiction Literature track “Science Fiction or Fantasy?” panel on Friday at 2:30PM Embassy A-B (Hyatt). tackled a subject often debated by fans of science fiction and fantasy. Moderator Suzanne Church kicked off the panel by asking each member to give a one-sentence definition of science fiction.  Church suggested that science fiction asks “what if” and answers the question… Read more →

ARTC Premieres "In Need of a Bard" at Dragon Con

ARTC Premieres “In Need of a Bard” at Dragon Con

The Atlanta Radio Theatre Company (ARTC) charmed fans Friday evening with the debut of In Need of a Bard, a whimsical, trans-dimensional, musical, fantasy epic cleverly disguised as a radio play. Sacha Dzuba excelled in triple duties as Brad the Bard, playing the guitar and singing as well as acting. Fiona K. Leonard acted and sang as Nocturne the Protector…. Read more →

The Legacy of Lambchop Continues

Carla Rhodes presented “Ventriloquism: From Ancient to Modern” in A704 (M) Friday at 8:30PM where she discussed history of ventriloquism, famous faces, and innovators while showing video clips on the big screen. Carla also had her partner, Cecil, assist her. He is rather older (crafted in the 1920s) and a little psycho, but all in all funny. Carla fell in… Read more →