We’re All Going to Die! (But Not Anytime Soon)

It was almost immediately apparent at the start of the “Incoming! There’s an Asteroid with Earth’s Name on It” panel Fri at 5:30 PM in the Hilton Room 309-310 that I am not smart enough to be in that room. Much of what panelists Phil Plait and Mika McKinnon were talking about went right over my head. But what was… Read more →

Illusion with History

Aiden Sinclair is the world’s premier Paranormal Illusionist. His séance style shows the use of the art of illusion to bring haunted history to life. This presentation was in the Crystal Ballroom (H) at 7PM Friday. Sinclair performed to a full room. His performances require audience participation and include historical trivia with actual articles documenting that that portion of history…. Read more →

Cirroc Lofton and Avery Brooks on Deep Space Nine panel

20th Anniversary of Deep Space Nine: A Left Turn For Star Trek

At the “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine” panel that took place on Friday at 2:30 in the Sheraton Grand Ballroom, show stars Avery Brooks, Cirroc Lofton, and Terry Farrell (with moderator Garrett Wang) took questions from the audience and reminisced about their time on set. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the show’s premiere. Wang dove right into audience… Read more →

Undead Nuptials Kick Off Zombie Walk

Undead Nuptials Kick Off Zombie Walk

Chris Fullerton married Jenah Gould during the Zombie Walk at the Westin Friday night at 8:30 PM. All of the wedding participants, including the officiant, were in zombie regalia. They were pronounced undead husband and wife, and then the newly minted Fullertons led the zombies in the walk all the way to the Zombie Prom in the Sheraton Grand Ballroom A-F.

Hello and Goodbye to the Warehouse

This fun-filled panel met in the Atrium Ballroom (M) at 4PM. Kelly Hu (Abigail Cho, a protégé of Mrs. Fredric), Paul Amos (Writer), and CCH Pounder (Mrs. Irene Fredric) delighted attendees with warmth and humor. The panel discussed their roles on Warehouse 13 and how they became part of that production. It was with a sad note that it was… Read more →

Hobbit Heroes and Villains

Hobbit Heroes and Villains

Friday afternoon in Centennial II-III of the Hyatt, Bifur (William Kircher) and Dwalin (Graham McTavish) sat down for a chat with their arch enemy, Azog the Defiler (Manu Bennett). Kircher set a rousing mood by proclaiming, “Feel the fire of the Dwarves!” in flawless Dwarvish. He kindly translated the line for attendees not fluent in the ancient tongues of Middle… Read more →

Dragon Con MARTA Commuters Beware

For those of you commuting locally to Dragon Con and out-of-towners riding the trains from off-site hotels, all shambling, zombie-like, through the Peachtree Center station, beware! Just before 9AM Sat, a crowd of parade-bound fans ascending a vertigo-inducing escalator were trapped when the escalator growled and ground to an abrupt halt. The offending escalator rises above the tap-out exit to… Read more →

Captain Sulu to the Rescue: Q&A with George Takei

Captain Sulu to the Rescue: Q&A with George Takei

From the past to the future, George Takei talked about his life as an Asian American imprisoned after Pearl Harbor, gave advice to aspiring Asian American actors, and discussed his upcoming roles during the “Sulu Solo” panel Fri at 11:30AM in the Sheraton Grand Ballroom A-F.