New Puppet Order Encores at Dragon Con

New Puppet Order Encores at Dragon Con

“Yes, indeed!’ replied Darrell C. Hazelrig, when the Daily Dragon asked if the New Puppet Order (NPO) would be returning for Dragon Con 2013. The Dark Companion, NPO’s award winning short film, is an official selection of the Dragon Con Film Festival this year. It’s log-lined as “a puppet has an existential crisis.” Hazelrig is the director of the film…. Read more →

Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America at Dragon Con

The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America will have a table in the Hyatt, near the Comics and Artists Alley, which will be managed by SFWA members and SFWA Communications Director Jaym Gates. Stop by for information, to ask questions, or find out more about our authors. Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, Inc., was founded in 1965… Read more →

Kaleidoscope Track Baby Dragon Hunt

Kaleidoscope Track Baby Dragon Hunt

A large portion of Dragon Con’s family related programming is located in the Marriott. However, the four other Dragon Con host hotels also have a lot of family friendly activities to offer. The hard part is figuring out where they are and finding the time to get to them. To help you discover them, the Kaleidoscope Track is hosting a… Read more →

Give Blood at Dragon Con, Get a Free T-shirt!

Give Blood at Dragon Con, Get a Free T-shirt!

Take a little time out during Dragon Con this weekend to give blood. For LifeSouth, which serves more than 40 hospitals in the Atlanta area and more than 110 hospitals in Florida, Georgia, and Alabama, Dragon Con is a major donation venue.