Not the Parade of My Youth

Not the Parade of My Youth

On Saturday at 10AM, most of the Dragon*Con attendees were outside along the parade route to see all of the spectacular costumes and floats, and this year was particularly amazing. From anime to zombies and from the playfulness of fairies to the darkness of Netherworld, there were costumes to suit every taste in fandom, including storm troopers, knights, trekkers, dragons,… Read more →

Fan Moments: An Hour with John Barrowman

Fan Moments: An Hour with John Barrowman

Saturday afternoon attracted another capacity crowd to the Atrium Ballroom (M) for John Barrowman’s solo panel, “John Barrowman Live!” The mood in the room was playful as Barrowman teased the crowd and they responded in kind. After taking a video of the audience so he could send it to his mom, he jumped right in to answer audience questions. Barrowman… Read more →

The Art of the Naked Kill

“No, it does not mean that you strip down and while the guy is gawking at you, you kill him,” joked Jonathan Maberry, starting off the panel held on Saturday in Hanover C-E (Hy), “though that might work.   It means you can pick up literally anything—you don’t need a sword or a gun.  If you have any object around you,… Read more →

An Hour of Quorum Fun

Saturday afternoon’s Battlestar Galactica (BSG) panel, “Welcome to the Quorum” provided the audience with a great surprise. When Katee Sackhoff wasn’t there when the panel started, we were all assured that someone was on their way. But when her name was eventually announced, the actor to walk on stage wasn’t Sackhoff at all. Instead, Aaron Douglas strutted out to a… Read more →

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