New for 2012: The Puppetry Track
Puppets have always been a part of geek culture, and Dragon*Con is proud to bring you our brand new Puppetry Track for 2012!
Puppets have always been a part of geek culture, and Dragon*Con is proud to bring you our brand new Puppetry Track for 2012!
Our 2012 Progress Report is now being mailed out and showing up at comic book stores all around Atlanta! But don’t despair if you didn’t get it. You can view it online or download it. Don’t miss this 64-page booklet detailing the latest information on guests, fan tracks, contests, dealers/exhibitors, and other convention related information.
2011 was our first year having an official Dragon*Con mobile app, and it was a great hit with y’all. But there’s always room for improvement! We heard your feedback, recorded your input, and we’re confident this year’s app will be even better, stronger, and faster. We have the technology. (Can you hear the bionic FX yet?) For 2012, in addition… Read more →
Here’s an index of all the news, information, interviews, and articles we published for Dragon*Con 2011!
Fresh from the August 20 Hugo Awards Ceremony, Chicks Dig Time Lords contributors K. Tempest Bradford and Mary Robinette Kowal were still glowing in the reflected light of that hallowed shining rocketship when they sat down with the Daily Dragon to chat about their lives with the Doctor. Chicks, an anthology of loving essays from female fans of Doctor Who… Read more →
For those fans who, like me, are already missing Dragon*Con 2011 and already pining for Dragon*Con 2012 to arrive, here’s your chance for a bit of dragonish fun. At the very first panel of the Writer’s Track (WRIT), Fri 10AM, I took copious notes on the interactive workshop “Write a Story in an Hour,” wrangled by author Gary Hayes, a… Read more →
Janet Cadsawan’s work embraces both art and literature. Her Exhibit Hall booth delighted fans at 2011 Dragon*Con with designs inspired by the work of paranormal, urban fantasy authors. After 9-11 left her without work, Janet decided to write the novel she always wanted to write. Her choice of protagonist, a jewelry designer, made her realize that her mother’s love of… Read more →
Contestant photos were posted on the boards near the contest registration table in the Hyatt in front of the Centennial Ballroom. Voting ended Sunday at 5PM, the only event decided by popular vote at the con: