Final 2011 Blood Drive Figures

Herein the Monday blood drive figures and the final numbers for the whole convention. Monday: 388 people attempted to give whole blood. 309 people successfully donated. 290 units of blood drawn, 848 units of blood processed. For the whole convention: Total People Registered: 3449 Total People Drawn: 2938 Total Units Drawn: 2754 Total Units Processed: 8039 That’s an almost 400-person… Read more →

Blood Drive Figures for Sunday

We’re so proud of y’all! 678 people attempted to give whole blood. 596 people successfully donated. 1,594 successful units of blood gathered. Our four-day total is 3,057 people! The blood drive is still open until 3PM. Go give them your precious bodily fluids in A701, A702, A708 (Marriott).