Torchwood: The Ianto Jones Experience

Gareth David-Lloyd and James Marsters were cutting up right from the start of Friday’s panel “Torchwood: The Captain Jack Experience.” Over the next hour, the two delighted the audience and interviewer Rob Levy with their stories of on-set camaraderie, and the fans returned the favor with a gorgeous tribute video to one Ianto Jones. “Captain Jack?” asked David-Lloyd as he… Read more →

BritTrack Goes Inside the BBC

The British sci-fi media (Brit) track is full of goodies on Doctor Who and its spinoffs, Monty Python, Being Human, and more. On Friday afternoon, writer Louis John Robinson helped demystify the Goliath behind all of these programs at “Inside the BBC.” Robinson’s advice to aspiring writers was sobering: “If you have a great idea,” he said, “do not give… Read more →

Thriller World Record Registration

Attention Thriller dance participants: Don’t forget to stop by outside of Georgia 1 (S) and register for the Thriller dance and get your ribbon even if you already registered online. Be sure to fill out your consent and release form!

Trek Trak Director Tap Dances for Shatner and Nimoy

Original Star Trek stars William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy were fully engaged in good-natured bantering Friday morning when “boos” greeted Trek Trak Director Eric L. Watts. Watts, who had introduced the stars, carried a ten-minute warning sign, signaling the imminent end of the program to the capacity crowd. Shatner suggested that Watts tap-dance or imitate a sandwich board, reminiscing about… Read more →

Footwear: Friend or Foe

Dragon*Con is not a convention for the ill-prepared, especially those of us who partake in all aspects of bliss from early morning panels to late night shindigs. To truly enjoy the convention, one must make careful, diligent preparations, and one of the most important components of those preparations is to break in the footwear. And the feet, but I digress…… Read more →