A Friendship As Endearing As The Show Itself: Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner

A Friendship As Endearing As The Show Itself: Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner

The most impressive panel to open Dragon*Con programming in years blasted off to a packed crowd Friday morning at the Hyatt.  Two icons of Science Fiction television, Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner, exuded warmth, camaraderie, and humor throughout the hour-long dialogue. Their friendship as apparent as their talent and enthusiasm combined into a remarkable “fascinating” exchange. Yes, Shatner used the… Read more →

Blood Drive Update

On the first day of the blood drive, we collected 447 pints of blood and 504 donors participated. Thanks to all that donated!

Kids Need to Read Arrives at Dragon*Con

Kids Need to Read Arrives at Dragon*Con

It’s thanks to the Austin Browncoats that the Kids Need to Read foundation will be filling a booth at Dragon*Con 2009.

Kids Need to Read, which distributes books to libraries, schools, and other institutions in need, was founded in 2007 by writer P.J. Haarsma, author of The Softwire book series, and actor Nathan Fillion, best known to D*C attendees as Captain Mal Reynolds of Firefly and Serenity.