Burton Inspires Trek Trak Fans

Star Trek: The Next Generation star LeVar Burton inspired fans gathered in the Centennial ballroom Monday. Burton spoke highly of the inclusive continuum fostered by Star Trek founder Gene Roddenberry in adding people of color and with disabilities to the cast. Burton, who portrayed the visually impaired Geordi LaForge, continues to work toward advances similar to the visor worn by… Read more →

How Lwaxana saved Q

In the waning hours of Dragon*Con, Peter David told a throng of Star Trek faithful that if not for the unwitting efforts or Majel Barrett Roddenberry, one of his most beloved books, Q in Law, would never had made it to press. The comedy is based on a relationship between “Q” and “Lwaxana Troi” and the ensuing madness of bringing… Read more →

Marina Sirtis takes over

Trekkies should already know this, but for those who missed the obvious, Marina Sirtis is nothing like the gentle, modest Deanna Troi she portrayed on Star Trek: The Next Generation. She’s more like Deanna’s mother, the bold and bawdy Lwaxana Troi. Immediately after strutting onto the stage, Sirtis commanded adjustments to her microphone and had Dragon*Con volunteers rearranging the tables… Read more →

A. C. Crispin Workshops Spawn Online Groups, Publication Success

Best-selling author Ann C. Crispin’s Dragon*Con workshops have generated two successful online writers’ groups and published stories and novels by at least six of Crispin’s students, Crispin told her Advanced Writers’ Workshop students Sunday. The workshop had a full roster of 18 students and featured self-editing and marketing/promotion this year. The first online writers’ support and critique group started as… Read more →

Feel like Glue? (Opening ceremonies overview)

Dr. Specula delivered incredibly wise advice Friday during Dragon*Con’s opening ceremonies after looking deep into the enigma that is America’s largest fantasy/science fiction convention. “Have a great time! Don’t kill anybody!” Dr. Specula told the rows of audience. The packed Centennial ballroom responded with a collective groan. Oddly, these possibly homicidal creatures—some of them wearing wings, crowns and other species… Read more →

Hilton Happiness

Welcome to Dragon*Con 2005! As some of you returning to the convention may have noticed, we’ve been having some growing pains in the past few years. So for 2005, the Hilton Atlanta joins the Hyatt Regency and the Marriott Marquis as an official Dragon*Con host hotel.  All three hotels are within easy walking distance of each other.  We hope convention-goers… Read more →

Parties, Happenings, Events

Doctor Zathras’s Traveling B5 Medicine Show Meet Babylon 5 fans (and maybe cast & crew) at this additional, independent B5 programming. Socials, panels, lotteries, and swag! A new event every day. Friday: “B5 Diplomatic Mixer.” Come and get your first taste of Doctor Zathras’s exciting offerings! 8:30PM, Champions Sports Bar (Marriott). Saturday: Open panel. topic to be decided. (Possibilities include:… Read more →