2022 Page to Stage Costume Contest Winners

2022 Page to Stage Costume Contest Winners

Open Division Judges’ Choice, Brought the house down: Joel as Jaime Lannister, Game of Thrones Judges’ Choice, Engineering: Fernside Dragons as Doomslug, Skyward Judges’ Choice, Fairy Tale: Amy Dowdy as Cinderella, “Cinderella of the Little Glass Slipper” by Charles Perrault Judges’ Choice, High Fantasy Adaptation: Harley & Elizabeth, The Witch King and Eowyn, Game of Thrones Best Interpretation: Cosmerenaut, Gandalf,… Read more →

Anime/Animation Cosplay Contest Winners

Kids Honorable Mention Bailey P. as Mitsuba Sousuke from Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun William B. as Eren Yaeger from Attack on Titan Honorable Mentions Audrey L. as Envy from Fullmetal Alchemist Dave H. as DreamXD from Dream SMP Carly M. as Junker Queen from Overwatch Griffin G. as Dante from Devil May Cry LyraJeah as Shionne Vymer Imeris Noble Scarlet from Tales of… Read more →

A Note of Thanks to Dragon Con’s Disability Services

Dragon Con defines itself as a convention that welcomes everyone, respects everyone, and applauds everyone. One way that outlook manifests is through the dedicated work of the Disability Services volunteers. Among the scores of people who make up that team is a nine-year veteran, Lynda Bernhardt. Lynda is the Disability Services manager for the Hilton Salon ballroom, one of the… Read more →

Beyond Gaming: Streaming Moves into the Real World

Believe it or not, people are streaming much more than just video games these days. No, really! If you haven’t checked out Twitch, YouTube, or even TikTok lately, you might have missed the number of streams that are anything but gaming. You can find people looking for work buddies, people doing ASMR, cooks inviting you into their kitchens, and more…. Read more →

Surveillance Secrets (for Authors)

Ever wondered how your character should shadow someone? On Saturday at 2:30PM, Writers Track speaker John Robinson offered some answers in a program called “Hide in Plain Sight—Secrets of Effective Surveillance.” Emphasizing that surveillance is much harder than it looks on television, he focused on sidewalk surveillance and discussed teamwork, gear, and street sense. Individual surveillance is fast and cheap,… Read more →

Back to the Belt: Lang Belta Level 2

The TV series The Expanse introduced Lang Belta, a Creole from space blending languages from all over Earth with a unique culture of the Belt. Hanne Madeleine Gates Paine (Iro) led this panel, “The Expanse: Learn Lang Belter—the language of the Belt (2nd Level),” Friday night in Marriott M301. Even though the series is complete, developing the language evolves and… Read more →

Nashville Armored Combat Fosters Friendships and Violent Hugs

Nashville Armored Combat Fosters Friendships and Violent Hugs

On Saturday, the sounds of metal clanging and cheering emanated loudly from the Sheraton Grand Ballroom A–F for most of the afternoon. The Dragon’s Cup, an armored combat tournament, was in full swing with teams from all over the South invading Dragon Con, including Nashville Armored Combat. After rounds of brutal sword fighting, The Daily Dragon caught up with Nashville… Read more →

Bling Bling Baby!

Things need sparkle, that special bling that brings out the feeling of wow. This workshop, titled “Bling Bling Baby! It’s Easy!” and presented by vendor Quiltoni Saturday afternoon in AmericasMart2, was fun and easy to learn. Participants were asked to bring their own item to spruce up. You can sparkle things like t-shirts, pants, masks, or other articles of clothing…. Read more →