Rocinante Forever! Expanse Guests at Dragon Con

Rocinante Forever! Expanse Guests at Dragon Con

Fans of The Expanse enjoyed an hour with Wes Chatham, Chad Coleman, and Steven Strait on “The Expanse Guests: Uneasy Alliances,” moderated by Brian Richardson on Friday at 4PM, Centennial II-IV, Hyatt. Chatham, who played Amos Burton and is an Atlanta native, was happy to be here at Dragon Con. He only wished it had been around when he was… Read more →

Defining Dark Fantasy

What makes a book or a movie dark fantasy as opposed to some other kind of horror? At 8:30PM Thursday in Westin Peachtree 1 & 2, the Horror track sponsored the “What the %#?! Is Dark Fantasy?” panel to address that question. Panelists included David Boop, Jonathan Maberry, R.R. Virdi, Jessica Ann York, Garon Whited, and moderator Tony Sarrecchia. Noting… Read more →

Locke & Key to Dragon Con

Locke & Key to Dragon Con

Dragon Con attendees gave a warm welcome to three cast members from Netflix’s Locke & Key. Jesse Camacho (Doug Brazelle), Hallea Jones (Eden Jones), and Jackson Robert Scott (Bode Locke) answered questions about the series and their experiences during the “Locke & Key” panel, moderated by Little Red Dot, on Friday at 2:30PM in Centennial II–IV, Hyatt. The obvious question… Read more →

Nancy Knight’s Creative Career

Nancy Knight’s Creative Career

Many Dragon Con attendees recognize Nancy Knight as the Director of the Writers’ Track, but she has played many other roles in the creative community for a long time. In addition to being a founding member of Georgia Romance Writers, house manager and events coordinator for Stone Mountain’s ART Station, and creative director of Pandora’s Legacy LLC, she is a… Read more →

The Beginning and the End: Legends of Tomorrow

The Beginning and the End: Legends of Tomorrow

On Friday at 1PM, Arthur Darvill and Olivia Swann met in the Marriott Atrium Ballroom to talk about Legends of Tomorrow, which ended its seven-season run earlier this year. Moderated by Kevin Bachelder, the panel fielded audience questions and talked about the joy of hopping time in the Waverider with a changing cast on a show that embraced diversity. Bachelder… Read more →

Doomslug, a yellow inflatable with bright blue decorative spikes, poses for a photo

Doomslug Attack!

Warning: Take this article with a grain of salt. The hallway was deserted when I entered it. I’m sure of it. Well, fairly sure, anyway. Thursday afternoons at Dragon Con, I’m still relatively lucid. But I wasn’t alone. There it was, big as life—actually, bigger than life—a massive yellow doomslug! Uncertain what to do… and trying to recall what doomslugs… Read more →

The Legend, the Myth, the Rocket Man: Elton John Turns 75

On Friday at 11:00AM, Elton John super fans Mike Faber, Kornflake, Rob Levy, and Kyle McGraw—with moderator Caro Mccully —joined Dragon Con virtually to reflect on the music and pop culture defying career of Sir Elton John, who turned 75 on March 25 of this year amidst his farewell tour, 52 years after his first hit, “Your Song.” They discussed his… Read more →