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Dragon Con 2022 Charity Events

For 2022, Dragon Con’s charity events will benefit Open Hand Atlanta, which prepares, packs, and delivers over 5,500 meals per day in Metro Atlanta and rural Georgia. Two previous fan favorites will be back this year: the charity coloring book and the virtual Dragon Con Hustle 5K. We’ll also have an escape room event! The Dragon Con Hustle: Jubilee is a… Read more →

2021 Hallway Costume Contest

2021 Hallway Costume Contest

Honorable Mentions Mindy Jones, Old Spice Girls Olivia Faith Harn, Monster Astronaut Summer Kohle, Elf (original character) Lily Braden, Star Butterfly Sophie Sindicich, Raven Dawn, Matthew and Benjamin Aschberger, Chico Bon-Bon the monkey, Rainbow Thunder the cat, Clark the elephant Darrin Eader, Little Cobra-Kai Logan Oberg, Ell from Deathnote Sean Reavis, Wonder Woman in Training Winry Hughes, Galadriel Gaius Hughes,… Read more →

Jump In: An Easy Entry into Star Wars

Star Wars at Dragon Con launched their 2021 virtual programming on Dragon Con TV’s Main Channel 2 Thursday evening when track director Brandy Roatsey welcomed Daniel Eisenhauer, Alex Damon (@StarWarsExplain), Myles Willis, and Bria LaVorgna (@chaosbria) to answer the question “how does one enter the world of Star Wars?”   The panel agreed that anyone interested in the franchise should enter… Read more →

Infinite Riker Games

Infinite Riker Games

The Trek Track convened its second annual Infinite Riker Games Sunday at 4PM in Hilton Galleria 2–3. Originally launched as part of the track’s 2020 Dragon Con Goes Virtual programming, the competition has now moved in person. Judges graded contestants on the 5 essential “aspects” of Riker: dexterity, charisma, strength, constitution, and Trombone. Winner: Dan Collis Fan Choice: Brian Spaz… Read more →

Author/Physicist Les Johnson Champions Solar Sails

Author/Physicist Les Johnson Champions Solar Sails

Science fact and fiction author Les Johnson made the case at Dragon Con for solar sail development for otherwise inaccessible solar research, interstellar flight, and potential planetary protection. Speaking from a virtual platform in the Science track (Friday at 11AM), Johnson presented “Solar Sails: Using Sunlight to Explore the Solar System and Beyond.”  Presenting as an author of science fiction… Read more →

It’s Alive! But is it Scary?

Doc Frankenstein knew what he was doing. Body parts, check. Sturdy thread, check. Giant lightning rod, check. Et violà! One of the scariest monsters ever. Except Frankenstein’s monster wasn’t created by some mad scientist with far more knowledge than common sense but by the imagination of author Mary Shelley. So what does it take to create a monster that’ll send… Read more →

Werehippos and Werefruitflies and Poop Cubes, Oh My

Come on. Admit it. You’ve wondered how a werebananaslug, werekangaroo, or werepossum would work. Scientists Mohamed Noor, Emily A. Finke, and Leighann Lord along with comedian Lali DeRosier talked about the science of making werecreatures Sunday in Hilton 209–211 at 4PM. Wanna be a werebug? There’s a science-y thing to remember. If you made a fruit fly human-size, it’d collapse… Read more →

Tips & Tricks Every GM Can Use

Rucht Lilavivat, Dragon Con Table Top Gaming Track Director, and Sean Molley joined in a virtual discussion Sunday at 5PM on Dragon Con TV’s Fan Track channel to share tips every game master can use. Both have won the Dragon Con Top Game Master Award before and collectively have more than sixty years of gaming experience. They began with a… Read more →