Where’s the Middle Grade?

Where’s the Middle Grade?

The “Stuck in the Middle (Grade)” panel dove into the benefits and complications of publishing in the middle grade, from writing stories that appeal to young teens to getting them to put down their devices and read a book. The panel took place on the YA Lit track at 4PM on Saturday, August 31 in the Marriott, Room A707. Jenn… Read more →

It’s All About the Butts

The last of the evening panels on the Science track was energetic, and the moderator gave a warning up front to the audience that the panelists wanted to push the envelope on gross. And dark humor abounded. The “Sometimes Science is Gross” panel took place in Hilton 209-211 on Friday at 10PM. Matthew Curtis Joseph served as the moderator, with… Read more →

Reading Between the Lines of Flowers

Reading Between the Lines of Flowers

Dearest Gentle Reader, Members of the Dragon Con have been preparing all year for Saturday’s festivities—the highly anticipated Dragon Con Cotillion. The Alternate and Historical Fiction track hosted several etiquette classes to get everyone in the Ton ready for the night including “Historical Etiquette Class & Demo: The Language of Flowers & Tussy Mussies” on Saturday at 1PM at the… Read more →

Fillion and Tudyk: 21 Years of Friendship

Fillion and Tudyk: 21 Years of Friendship

Fans joined Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk for a laugh-filled hour on Saturday at 1PM in Hyatt Centennial II-IV. When moderator Ryan Segur turned the panel over to the two guests and exited the stage, Fillion immediately turned to Tudyk and asked, “How long has it been?” Tudyk said they’ve been doing cons for 21 years now. “Before phones were… Read more →

Let There Be Light!

Keith Moore (also known as Nixie Keith) taught audiences how to create electronic gadgets Thursday evening at 5:30PM in Atlanta 1-2, Courtland Grand, focusing on high-voltage devices running above 50 volts. No need to be intimidated; Nixie Keith recommends beginning with low-voltage components in order to practice basic electronics concepts. Numitron cathode tubes, which run at 5 volts, are accessible,… Read more →

Fandom on Parade

Fandom on Parade

The Dragon Con Parade took over Peachtree Street on Saturday morning in an exuberant celebration of fandom. Two Atlanta Police Department motorcycles, accompanied by a Captain America cosplayer on a third motorcycle, led the Dragon Con Parade banner up Peachtree Street. Behind them came a dazzling, joyous array of fannish groups. The Dragon Queen Corvette, the HALO 405th Infantry, and… Read more →