2019 Masquerade Winners

Photo by Roger Benson

This year’s Masquerade was hosted by Eddie McClintock (as Willy Wonka) and Tony Gowell (as an Ooompa-Loompa).

Best Toddler: Natasha and Cristian Kersh as Belle and Chip

Best Teen: Makayla Hulsey and Allysan Morris, Bast Egyptian Goddesses

Best Youth: Ianna and Adelin Gore, Queen Amidala and Padme

Best Animation: Lauren Stewart, Hawkgirl

Best DC: Genesis Crowder and Rebecca Kunimoto, Wonder Woman and Mother Hyppolita

Best Disney: Eric Engler, Klinger the M*A*S*H 4077 Disney Princess

Best Fantasy: Katie Brubaker, Eowyn from Lord of the Rings

Best Marvel: Scott Goodwin, Thor

Best Novice: Kimberly, William, Brandon and Matthew Oswald, Guardians of the Galaxy

Best Journeyman: Jasper Norris, Jave the Space Raptor

Best Master: Devon Baker, Red Death from Phantom of the Opera

Best in Show: Lynn and Bowie Sessions, Stacie and Jim Mossey, David TErres, Aaron Lilyerd, Grace Butkowski, Beth Thornton, and Eliot Thomas, Scooby-Doo Group

Photo by Roger Benson

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