2020 Hallway Costume Contest Winners

Best Television Show: Eric Engler, Disney Princess Klinger, “M*A*S*H”

Best Fantasy: Jo Sharpton, Professor McGonagall, Harry Potter series

Most Appropriate: Katherine Kneece, Dragon Con Blue Postcard

Staff Favorite: Wendy & Willow,  Jasmine & Rose Cosplay, Don’t Starve Together

Best Overall, 3rd Place: Jesse McCullough, Stan Lee the FedEx Guy, Captain America: Civil War

Best Overall, 2nd Place: Clara Smith, Winnifred from Hocus Pocus

Best Overall, 1st Place: Faith McCullough, She-Ra

Author of the article

Shae Connor is a scientific editor with a Big Government Agency in Atlanta. Despite a fairly average upbringing, she jumped into fandom with both feet two and a half decades ago, thanks to The X-Files, and has spent much too much time writing fanfic and doling out heaping servings of Machete!Beta upon request. She’s also been known to hang around Star Wars, Star Trek, and all sorts of other strange worlds. In her copious spare time, she's a multipublished author of romance fiction. Check out her work at http://shaeconnorwrites.com.