Dragon Con 2021 Charity Events

For 2021, Dragon Con’s charity event will benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Atlanta, and as usual, Dragon Con hosts several charity events throughout the show. The flagships events are the Books & Art Auction, Saturday 11:30AM–2PM, and the Main Charity Auction, Sunday 10AM–2PM, both in Hyatt Hanover C–E. Dragon Con will also match all money raised up to $100,000!

If you’d like to help, we would love to have you donate an item for us to sell at the charity auction.  Items sold at past charity auctions have included books, comic books, artwork, signed photos, movie props, prop replicas, toys, games, costumes, store and restaurant gift cards, weekend getaways at hotels, site visits to the “live” set of a TV series, a meal with an actor or writer, a writing review by an editor, and much more. The Charity Events Booth will be open from 10AM–7PM Friday and Saturday, in the Marriott, one floor below the hotel registration desk.  At the booth, we’ll be displaying items that have been donated, as well as accepting additional donated items.  If you need help with your donation, come by the booth and we will have a staff member go with you to pick up the item.

Here are some of the other events this weekend that will be raising money for our charity!

The Game Show Night: Come play Pyramid and Jeopardy. Suggested donation to play. Friday 8PM, Regency VI–VII (Hyatt).

Coloring for Charity: Want to get out of the bustle for a little while? Come and wind down by coloring! Suggested donation for each coloring page. Friday 8:30PM, Regency V (Hyatt).

Classic Sci-Fi Charity Lock-In: Howard the Duck: We lock you in with a crowd of semi-willing participants to celebrate Marvel’s infamous—and very first—theatrical movie. The only way to escape: donate to the Dragon Con charity! Friday 10PM, M103–M105 (Marriott).

Classic Sci-Fi Charity Movie Lockdown: Mac & Me, & More: Will we watch Mac & Me, the movie that plunged off the cliff and into our hearts forever? The only way to escape is by donating to the Dragon Con charity. Sat 7PM, M103–M105 (Marriott).

MSFM Charity Crafts & Games Night: We’ll have card games, board games, and activity stations for a chill, relaxing evening of crafting and gaming fun for all ages! Kid Friendly. Saturday 8:30PM, Chastain DE (Westin).

MSFM Charity Team Trivia: When the kids are away the adults will play… trivia! Donations suggested for teams entering the contest. Mature Audiences. Saturday 10PM, Chastain DE (Westin).

13th Annual Don S. Davis Memorial Charity Auction: Military Sci-fi Media hosts this annual tribute to the late actor. Sunday 4–6:30PM, hanover C–E (Hyatt).

Dungeons & Dragons—LIVE!: John Hartness is the DM for a game of Dungeons & Dragons where the players are other writers—and where, for a donation to charity, you can influence the game! Sunday 8:30PM, Regency VI–VII (Hyatt).

Author of the article

Shae Connor is a scientific editor with a Big Government Agency in Atlanta. Despite a fairly average upbringing, she jumped into fandom with both feet two and a half decades ago, thanks to The X-Files, and has spent much too much time writing fanfic and doling out heaping servings of Machete!Beta upon request. She’s also been known to hang around Star Wars, Star Trek, and all sorts of other strange worlds. In her copious spare time, she's a multipublished author of romance fiction. Check out her work at http://shaeconnorwrites.com.