Best in Horror: Joanna Barnum, “Mask of Red Death”
Best Fantasy: Dustin Panzino, “The Star”
Best in Science Fiction: Charles Urbach, “Star Steerer”
Most Humorous: Timothy Von Rueden, “Harvest Festival”
Best 3-D: Shottsy Arts, “Onyxia,” “Shana”
Best Jewelry: Kelly Kotulak, “Hibernacula”
Best Photography/Digital: Alex Dos Diaz, “Cosmos Flux”
Best Charity Piece: Naomi VanDoren, “Green Dragon”
Best in Anime: Sang Lam, “Tea House”
Attendees’ Choice: Aedan Roberts, “Mundare”
Artist Choice, #3: Michael C. Hayes, “Altitude”
Artist Choice, #2: Audrey Benjaminsen, “Hearts in the Hard Ground”
Artist Choice #1: Joseph Bellofatto, “Flora & Fauna”
Best In Show: Licca Kirk, “Wither & Bloom”