Best Children’s Movie: Dimitry Ekzarkhov
Best Child: Ellie Paige
Best Villain: Travis Darsam
Best Video Game: Vince Morrow
Best Novel: Christine Quarte, Deanna Dixion
Best Musical: Kayla Bunch, Celia Sigler
Best Mash-Up: Shannon Swearingen, Will Luther
Best Lord of the Rings: Rich Sabo
Best Humor: Shannon Caudle, James Caudle
Best Fantasy: Colin Cook
Best Doctor Who: Roland Rose
Best Disney Princess: Gabrielle Scandrett
Best Disney: Piper Whaley
Best Death: Hugh Fuller
Best DC: David Collier, Kelsey McCarter, Douglas Miller
Best Children’s TV: Danny Hui, Brett Miller, Joseph Dermody, Brad Johnston, Christopher Horan
Best Card Game: Sara Echeverri
Best Animation: John Campbell
Best Advertisement: William Williams
Third Place: Kemp Brown
Second Place: Allison Eibeler, Mina Shadrick, Aaron Rivin, Faith D’Isa, Matthew Bonner
Best in Show: Matthew Gilbert
Honorable Mentions: Catherine Williams, Darwin Harn Dailey, Wesley Harper, Francesca, Winry Hughes, Bella and Dekel, Carol-Ann Melvin, Elese Moffatt, Winry and Gaius, Annaleah Seufert, Jon Gilbert, Ouida Mae Brown, Suzanne Najbrt, Elizabeth Boland, Lane Boland, Edisto French, Greg French, Wendy Cavallone, James Ouzts, Tirza Leader, Zeva Leader, Janine Garner, Ronald Garner, Audrey Roller, Norah Roller, Paul Roller, Kay Roller, Isabelle and Paul Grala, Bob and Stella Cronin