Adult Division
Most Subtle: Travis Tate as The Monolith
Best Video Game Character: John Sackett as World of Warcraft Orc
Best MMORPG: Bryan Bach as Diablo 3 Doomed Crusader
Best Comedy: Rob Shetler as Destiny 2 Iron Banner Titan
Best Mashup: Carly Hjemdahl-Monsen as WeepinBELLE
Best Novice: David Terres, Stacie Mossey, Anthony Garnett, Bowie Sessions, Aaron Lilyerd, Jim Mossey, and Jeff Scalise (costumes by Stacie Mossey) as Robin Hood: Men In Tights
Best Journeyman: Dave Collier and Kelsey McCarter as The Penguin and Harley Quinn
Best Masters: Erin Smith, Jenn Sapp, and Brit Roberds as Mary, Sarah, and Winifred Sanderson
Best in Show: Michelle Boatright as Angel of Death
Junior Division
Third Place: Lauren Stewart as Batgirl and Robin
Second Place: Alice Grunzke as the Childlike Empress from The Never-Ending Story
First Place: Darwin Harn-Daily as the Tomato Man from Fortnite