Laura Ingram

Parading Through Atlanta

An unnerving thing happened to me on the way to the Dragon*Con Parade. No wait for the elevator should have alerted me, but I may have still let Harry Potter’s Snape be my guide. Snape, admittedly, did not know the gathering point’s location either, but exited the elevator striding, taking a left and then another left out of the Hyatt… Read more →

No More Calling on Tru

Tru won’t be responding to any more pleas from dead bodies in the morgue. Fans who gathered Friday to commemorate and mourn the demise of Tru Calling agreed they have little hope of a resurrection, even if Tru could turn back the clock again. “We’re small, but we’re loyal. There are just not enough of us,” said a resigned Lilly… Read more →

Saved by an Antler or Two

After a scheduling mix-up with Adam Baldwin for “Bad Angels,” Mercedes McNab struggled at first to get questions and even pleaded with the audience to fill the silence of two Centennial ballrooms. Then, questions started flowing from the microphone-shy fans. McNab seemed to recover from the awkwardness and even enjoyed the questions about her career and her time as Harmony… Read more →

Parade Doubles from Last Year

The Dragon*Con Parade (Sat 10AM) promises to double in size this year. Last year, 460 participants marched through Atlanta streets. This year, 850 people of all ages have signed up and more continue to join the ranks. Expect to see characters from Firefly, Lord of the Rings, Cobra, Colonel Marines, Netherworld, Star Trek, and Star Wars. Every Dragon*Con programming track… Read more →

Breakfast in the Village

Fans of The Prisoner fear sharing the same fate as Firefly. Plans for a Prisoner movie stalled last summer though new and old fans are buying DVDs of the 1960s TV series. It depicted one man’s struggle for individuality after being kidnapped from his London flat and imprisoned on a well-guarded island. They called him No. 6. The character played… Read more →

Andromeda: The Final Verdict

Looking for answers about what happened on Andromeda, I depended on a Saturday panel to do more than live up to its name, “Andromeda: The Final Verdict.” Though still unsure of the concrete explanations behind the episode plots, I learned I wasn’t the only one struggling. Andromeda is even more complicated than I thought. First, there are three Andromedas. And,… Read more →

Drunk Testing Games with David Harmer

Did your card game pass the Drunk Test? Game designer David Harmer, 38, of Marietta made sure both his new The Four Horsemen: Hand of Death and his Faerie Haven, available at, soared through the Drunk Test before allowing public use. The Drunk Test involves two drunks and two sobers. Harmer admitted that making the participants drunk was a… Read more →

Bright Knight in the Afternoon

Eric Etebari was no “Dark Knight in the Morning” on Friday afternoon. Wearing bright yellow tennis shoes and a bright green jacket, the actor from the popular TV movie and series Witchblade hardly resembled his mesmerizing character, Ian Nottingham. The name resulted from a scheduling shift from Sunday morning to the Friday date, but the timing seemed as perfect as… Read more →