Matt Schafer

Matt Schafer is an award-winning former journalist who left the land of daily deadlines to pursue a career in novel writing. More on him and his work can be found at

An Hour in the Firefly ‘Verse: The Continuing Adventures of the Starship Firefly

Firefly died long before its time, but not before attracting enough fans to fill the largest ballroom with legions of self-proclaimed Browncoats. In Sunday’s “An Hour in the Firefly ‘Verse” in the Marriott Atrium, Nathan Fillion, Jewel Staite, Morena Baccarin, and Alan Tudyk discussed some of the potential twists and turns Firefly might have taken had it continued to fly.

Take Me Out to the Sheraton

In its first year as a host hotel, the Sheraton met the warm embrace of Dragon*Con attendees and their sweet, sweet parties. The Sheraton became party central Saturday night as music from three parties echoed through the hotel’s halls. Its distance from the other host hotels did nothing to deter any partiers who flooded the streets as they trekked to… Read more →

Meet the Stars of Harry Potter

Slash fiction has held its own in the Harry Potter canon of slash fiction for years, but it’s not a place actors go very often. Matthew Lewis, who plays Neville Longbottom in the HP movie adaptations, didn’t see it until a fan handed him a stack of stories.


Margaret Weis Games premiered the Battlestar Galactica role-playing game at Dragon*Con this year, selling the book before the public release. Based on the “re-imagined” Battlestar on the Sci-Fi Channel, the show has established a fanatic following that prizes the “new” BSG for tightly-woven character and event-based plotting, as well as a lack of technical information.

Black is Back!

Claudia Black made her first convention appearance in more than two years Sat in front of a capacity crowd in Centennial 1. After being moved to a larger room, fans still had to be turned away, but those inside were treated to 30 minutes with Claudia Black.

The State of the Fleet: Dark and Getting Darker

Battlestar Galactica is set to get a lot darker when the show returns to the Sci-Fi Channel this October. “As for the upcoming season, the two words you are going to hear a lot is dark and intense, so you really don’t want any spoilers,” technical advisor Kevin R. Grazier told a crowd of fans at “Sitrep: The State of… Read more →

Man Finds Golden Ticket To Comic Writing

Moments after writers Dan Jolley and Marie Croall finished telling a room full of aspiring comic book writers how hard it is to break into comics, one writer found out all he needs to do is make one phone call. “The only way to learn to write scripts is to write scripts,” Croall said. “You have to get out there… Read more →