Matthew M. Foster

Matthew M. Foster is a freelance film critic and film historian and also the Director of the Dragon*Con Film Festival, which annually brings filmmakers, features, and the best in Independent Short film to Atlanta.

Flying Through Time with Jefferson Starship

Thirty-five years of rock & roll hit the stage of the Centennial ballroom on Sunday night.  The only band to be nominated for a Science Fiction Hugo award, Jefferson Starship demonstrated that SciFi influence as well as their trademark San Francisco sound.   But the band wasn’t interested in demonstrating anything, or performing a normal concert.  Rather, they threw themselves… Read more →

A Thursday Night Concert Journey

Some of you were foolish enough to wait till Friday to show up at Dragon*Con, but us clever folks knew to get here early and take in the pre-con activities.  As a good reporter, I knew it was my job to hit every concert so that you late-comers could be informed.  It’s a tough job, and I was just the… Read more →

What a Way to Start a Con

There are people out there who don’t know who James Doohan is, who know nothing about Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott of the starship Enterprise.  Luckily, those people are not spending four days at Dragon*Con. For the rest of us, we rushed, four-hundred strong to see this star of the classic Trek series early on Friday.  The good people in charge… Read more →