R. G.

African Cultures and High Fantasy

Sunday morning, high fantasy fans were treated to a wonderful panel about African influences in the genre. At 10AM, eager fans filled Marriott A401–403. Panelists Milton Davis and Alledria Hurt delivered a spectacular panel that was packed with information. They started off  with a brief history lesson that was informative and relevant, weaving more and more historical details throughout. Even… Read more →

Near-Death Experiences in D&D Open Play

Near-Death Experiences in D&D Open Play

What happens when a tavern is being vandalized by ruffians? Gale, Huddle, Ignis, Lar, Marcus, and Zilva set out to find those vandals and put a stop to them on Saturday at 3PM in the D&D Open Play area of AmericasMart Building 1. Dungeon Master James Armstrong ran the DDEX 2-1-3 adventure, better known as The City of Danger. This… Read more →

Finding High Fantasy Inspiration in the East

Friday at 11:30AM, the Marriott L401–403 hosted “1001 Near and Middle Eastern Influences in High Fantasy.” The diverse and experienced panelists shared their breadth of knowledge with a packed room to help broaden awareness for fantasy books influenced by some non-Western cultures. The panelists started by differentiating between modern and historical influences in the genre. Some books will be influenced… Read more →

Steampunk’d in Thirty Minutes

Steampunk’d in Thirty Minutes

If you’ve ever wanted to see a costume thrown together in thirty minutes from random scraps, then “Extreme Makeover: Steampunk Edition” is the panel for you. On Friday at 2:30PM in Hilton Grand East, cosplay fans were treated to three expert costumers creating costumes from a wagon filled with scraps. David Anthony Lee, Astrid Shadows, and Andrew Reseigh graced the… Read more →

Complicated and Oh-So-Human: Reflections with Jason Isaacs

Complicated and Oh-So-Human: Reflections with Jason Isaacs

Jason Isaacs is drawn to complex characters. This idea came to the fore time and again during his Friday morning session in the Marriott Atrium Ballroom. This notion of being drawn to complex fascinating characters appeared very early on in the session. A lifelong fan of comics, a lover of fantasy, Isaacs sees in stories, especially those we know as… Read more →

Starting on Gruel and Finishing on Martinis

Starting on Gruel and Finishing on Martinis

Karen Gillan and Alex Kingston entered a packed Marriott Atrium Ballroom Sunday afternoon to thunderous applause. Arthur Darvill was unable to make the panel due to his flight schedule, but the two women continued without him. They kicked off the panel by asking anyone with a sonic screwdriver to raise it in the air for a salute. Deciding to mix… Read more →