Jon Waterhouse

Film Legend Visits Dragon*Con

The audience in The Hyatt’s Fairlie room listened on in awestruck silence as film legends Ray Harryhausen, Julius Schwartz and David A. Kyle talked about their love for film and their careers. Photos of the panelists, along with those of fellow legends like Ray Bradbury, adorned the walls. Harryhausen’s voice boomed across the small room as he answered Kyle’s questions…. Read more →

Staying Gold: A Q & A with Anthony Daniels

Having worked on the set of the Star Wars prequels, do think some of the magic is back? I’m not putting down the art of filming, but filmmaking on the set is reasonably mundane, because the story is chopped up into so many bits. And the only person who really knows what is going on is the director and the… Read more →

Goo in the Streets: GWAR Leaves Them Smiling

As the GWAR concert comes to a close at this year’s Dragon*Con, hordes of fans file into the streets of Atlanta. Although many of their clothes are stained from the remnants of the band’s liquid special effects, everyone seems to be smiling. Earlier Friday afternoon, Sleazy P. Martini, GWAR’s answer to Elvis, is hanging out at the band’s booth in… Read more →

Dr. Smith and Beyond

On a clear, warm Atlanta day, I’m talking to veteran actor and sci-fi legend Jonathan Harris. Harris, on the other end of the phone from his California home, isn’t as lucky. “Great sheets of rain!” Harris exclaims when asked about the weather. “We’re not used to it. Southern California, you know. At least I thought it was. May I say… Read more →

Richard Hatch on Reviving Galactica

Back for an encore visit to Dragon*Con is actor/writer Richard Hatch. Hatch, who played Captain Apollo on the late-’70s, sci-fi TV series Battlestar Galactica, will be moderating a panel this afternoon in rooms D and E of Hanover Hall. Entitled “Battlestar Galactica-The Revival: Updates,” Hatch will let fans in on the possibility of a new Galactica series, as well as… Read more →