And the winners of the 2007 Dragon*Con Independent Film Festival are:
Best Short Film: "Jakob and the Angels"
Best Animated Film: "Operation: Fish"
Honorable Mention: "Thanksgiving with the Kranzes"
Animated Comedy: 1st Place "Whale"
Animated Drama: 1st Place "When The World Goes Dark"
Animated Horror: 1st Place "Puppet"
Animated Fantasy & Science Fiction: 1st Place "Operation: Fish"
Action & Suspense: 1st Place "Forged"
Asian-Themed: 1st Place "Lullaby Crossing"
Comedy: 1st Place "Monster Job Hunter"
Dark Comedy: 1st Place "The Fifth"
Fantasy: 1st Place "Jakob and the Angels"
Horror: 1st Place "Para-Normal"
Horror Comedy: 1st Place "Zombie Love"
Parody: 1st Place "07"
Magic Realism: 1st Place "Enter the Dragonfly"
Science Fiction: 1st Place "D-I-M, Deus in Machina"
Short Shorts: 1st Place "A Little Night Fright"
Filmmaker’s Choice: "Zombie Love"
Audience Awards for the film that contains the most:
Insanely Brilliant Original Song: "Zombie Love"
Kick-Ass Fight: "Forged"
Deliciously Twisted Relationship: "Daddy Why?"
Overall Joyously Perverse: "The Boy Princes: A Tragedie Most Monstrous"