Sunday night at 8:30PM, the Masquerade costume contest took over Centennial II–III in the Hyatt. Grant Imahara hosted as a parade of contestants in intricate and entertaining costumes from all kinds of different source materials crossed the stage for their chance at Dragon Con fame and fortune.

Children’s Winners
Best Toddler: Nicola and Tesla Deslites as Aang and Appa
Third place: Eleanor Heath as Tiny Tina
Second place: Mary Plott as Katniss Everdeen
First place: Keelia Gaffey as Merida
Adult Winners
Master: Chris Lee and Leah D’Andrea-Lee as Music Box Dolls from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Journeyman: Nancy Alonso as Undead Warlock
Novice: Breanna Cooke as Ysera, The Dreamer
Animation: Kati Bertheaume and Kyle Farr as Shiny Luxray and Trainer
Video Game: Logan Birch, Genevieve Mailly, Matt Freeborn, Angele Freeborn, and Michael Anderson as characters from Dota 2
Movie Characters: Liz Brandon-Williams and Bec
ky Mardell as Elsa and Anna from Frozen
Villain: Rebecca Kunimoto as Maleficent
Marvel: Eliza Eldredge as Femme Loki
Best in Show: Scott Millican and Sherri Millican as Maleficent and Tree Warrior
Photos by Dave Nelson