Maybe They Had Something to that “War of the Worlds” Thing

Twice my con buddy, Anthony Fuller, invited me to attend a radio drama. For two years, I missed it. But that ended this year when I had the honor of witnessing the Atlanta Radio Theatre Company perform “The Island of Dr. Moreau” by H.G. Wells.

Having never attended a radio drama before, I was surprised to see so many people on stage but not doing anything. That changed as foley crews fell into place, the “choir” lined up, and the “actors” took their places.

A table, some mikes, and several stands were all they needed to bring Dr. Moreau and his sordid story to life. The actors were amazing, but I don’t think I would have appreciated it as fully without the sound effect magic and atmospheric music. Water splashed, straps flicked, and bones broke, sans water, straps, and water. I cringed when Dr. Moreau broke the left femur of the female puma. When he “moved,” I covered my eyes.

If you never graced the Atlanta Radio Theater Company ( with your presence, then I suggest you do it next year.

Author of the article