Lucien Lockhart

FanForce Dinner

There was a galactic gathering at Earth, United States, Georgia, Atlanta, Trader Vic’s. The dinner was hosted by the Hothlanta Rebels, a local Atlanta Fan Force group, and attended by various online FanForce members across the continental USA and Canada. Over seventy-five online members of Star Wars Fan Force appeared at this not-so-secret meeting to eat, drink, and be merry…. Read more →

The Dragon*Con Parade: Stormtroopers, Klingons, and The Tribe, Oh My

It was worth crawling out of the bed after only three hours of sleep to see the Dragon*Con parade Saturday morning. I guess the Macys Thanksgiving Parade childhood excitement never left me because there I was on the sidelines again, cheering on the participants. The gaggle of Padmes was definitely a crowd pleaser. Maybe it was the attention to detail,… Read more →

A Concerting I Go

I am far from being a music critic, but I know what I like. I spent most of my life immersed in a rainbow of sounds and rhythms. Some I loved, some I’d rather not experience again, thank you. After a whirlwind of four Dragon Concerts (Julie Caitlin Brown, Bill Mumy, Voltaire and Green Goblin) on Friday night, I quickly… Read more →

McCaffrey Fans Say Hello

A lucky few managed to squeeze into the pre-registration line for Dragon*Con 2003 on Thursday evening. With nothing to do and too much line to stand in, they were more than willing to be distracted by a few questions regarding Anne McCaffrey, creator of the world of Pern as well as other popular book series and short stories. Alvin Harrison,… Read more →

Duel of Etiquette

There was an open invitation for some serious Jedi fighting taking place at the Hyatt today at 2:30 pm, extended by the Matters of the Force panel.  Well, a few brave souls jumped the hurdles and presented their choreographed Jedi fighting skills on stage in front of a hostile audience.  Before the first lightsaber blow, the heckling and bad sportsmanship… Read more →

The Man with the Golden Wit

Early to a panel equates to a great view of the performer, unless you attend any Anthony Daniels’ panel, including his 2:30 panel “Anthony Daniels: The Man In the Golden Suit”.  This sprite constantly dances around the room, no matter how big or small.  Mr. Daniels encourages the randomness of interviewing audience members from their very own seat, dragging the… Read more →