2005 Stars Seminar

David and Kelli Wallace will be at Dragon*Con 2005.

Long-time comic and game industry retailers and specialty retail education professionals, the Wallace’s are co-authors of A Specialty Retailer’s Handbook: Comics and Games and The Manager’s Training Manual. They are currently working on a new book geared toward training the buyer.

The Wallace’s have served on the board of directors of the comic industry organization, PACER, and have regularly attended the DC Comics retailer conferences. They have served multiple terms on the retail division board of directors of the Game Manufacture’s Association (GAMA), working on educational seminars for retailers since 1998 at the GAMA Trade Show (GTS) and at Dragon*Con’s Stars program since 1996. Kelli is currently chair of the Business Development committee of the GAMA Retail Division.

They currently have retail stores in the Greater St Louis, Missouri area, Illinois and Michigan.

Check out the STARS track on the schedule grid and pocket program to see what seminars they will be conducting this year.

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