’05 Guests

2005 Stars Seminar

David and Kelli Wallace will be at Dragon*Con 2005. Long-time comic and game industry retailers and specialty retail education professionals, the Wallace’s are co-authors of A Specialty Retailer’s Handbook: Comics and Games and The Manager’s Training Manual. They are currently working on a new book geared toward training the buyer. The Wallace’s have served on the board of directors of… Read more →

A Q&A with Robert Jordan

Robert Jordan told several hundred fans his plans for future books and movies during a wide-ranging Q&A session Saturday afternoon. Jordan’s sprawling epic has swelled, but he promised to end the series at twelve books. “I’m committed,” he answered a fan. “It’s going to be twelve books, even if the twelfth book is 15,000 pages long. So, if you have… Read more →

The Cruxshadows: Rogue’s Hair!?

Dateline: Montreal/Vancouver Room, Hyatt Regency, Dragon*Con. Sources who attended the “Wishes, Mysteries, and Fallen Angels: The Crüxshadows” panel on Saturday report that the most famous hairstyle in all of Dragon*Con, that of the Crüxshadows’s front man, founding member, and visionary, Rogue, may be no more. The signature towering spikes that have so enthralled fans across the world were said to… Read more →

Saved by an Antler or Two

After a scheduling mix-up with Adam Baldwin for “Bad Angels,” Mercedes McNab struggled at first to get questions and even pleaded with the audience to fill the silence of two Centennial ballrooms. Then, questions started flowing from the microphone-shy fans. McNab seemed to recover from the awkwardness and even enjoyed the questions about her career and her time as Harmony… Read more →

Kokoro Me No Michi – Ninkage Ryu comes to Dragon*Con

I’m supposed to give a lecture right now. I don’t do lectures. This is about mayhem. Anyone here want to see mayhem?” A forest of hands sprang up at Grandmaster Sabutai Musashi’s question, and the fun began. Grandmaster Musashi’s demonstration included open hand techniques, weapons techniques, and blindfolded weapon techniques where he demonstrated the use of the sense he calls… Read more →

An Hour With Tricia Helfer

For an actress whose Sci-Fi credits equates to 22 hours of Battlestar Galactica, Tricia Helfer sure can fill up a room. After every other star scheduled on “Galactica New and Old” was either called back to the set or had a scheduling conflict, it became an unofficial “Hour with Trisha Helfer” While this might have spelled disaster for a supporting… Read more →