Feel like Glue? (Opening ceremonies overview)

Dr. Specula delivered incredibly wise advice Friday during Dragon*Con’s opening ceremonies after looking deep into the enigma that is America’s largest fantasy/science fiction convention.

“Have a great time! Don’t kill anybody!” Dr. Specula told the rows of audience.

The packed Centennial ballroom responded with a collective groan.

Oddly, these possibly homicidal creaturessome of them wearing wings, crowns and other species and others welding hoodoo canes and staffsare integral to the success of Dragon*Con. Dr. Specula should know. He convened four world-class authors and a large chunk of the convention population to analyze the weird essence of Dragon*Con.

John Noble, Denathor of Lord of Rings, offered one answer. “I think it’s all a great party. The actors and authors are here to legitimize it,” he said.

From in-depth interviews and his special brand of intuition, Dr. Specula deduced the essence of Dragon*Con was the odd, possibly homicidal creatures that filled the ballroom and their incredible imaginations. Known as fans, they both inspire and feed off the creativity of the artisans who mold compelling tales that fill screens, canvasses and books. Then, every year, these fans swarm Dragon*Con to show off their own.

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