The Dork of the Rings

Saturday night around 1AM finds many people here footsore, inebriated, and a bit weary of the crowds. The Dork of the Rings screening provided a needed break and some side-splitting laughter…the sort of laughter tinged with a “this is so wrong” feeling that marks a quality satire.

Bobo Buggins pawns the Ring to Randolf, who in turn foists it on poor Frudo. He gets the reluctant help of Ham, Arrogant, Gimpi, and Legoblocks on the journey to Bank Boom to return One Ring of Endless Credit, close Lord Mauron’s account, and end Dork-Mart’s stranglehold on the pocketbooks of Muddle-Earth. And no, we are NOT going to mention what stands in for the mithril mail-shirt.

After the movie, Tim Richardson and Michael Kouroubetes (director and co-writer, respectively) were on hand to answer questions about the film. They spoke briefly about the special effects used and juggling a demanding production schedule with their “day jobs.” They also hinted at future projects they had in mind.

Among the many Gandalf costumes here, keep an eye out for Randolf the Wizard, played by David Kiefer—a more “patched up” costume worn by a distinguished gentleman. If you missed the screening, or would like to inflict this parody on others some evening, the DVD is available at Luke Ski’s booth.

Author of the article

Claire Greiner currently makes her living in insurance sales—at least, until she figures out what she really wants to be when she grows up. Having grown up in Michigan, she loves the outdoors and spends the nicer weekends (all five of them) at the beach or hiking in the woods. Her hobbies include cooking, music, computer games (an admitted Civilization addict), and gardening (currently limited to a small container garden on her apartment's balcony). Her most recent writing has been website copy and marketing campaigns for her employer. She hopes to get back in touch with her "geek streak" by going to grad school in the next couple years. Claire also spends a fair amount of time and energy making sure her friend Geoff Termorshuizen stays out of trouble.