2011 Registration Hints, Tips, and Information

We heard you, we listened, and we’re implementing a new barcode registration process for 2011!

Those of you who have purchased your memberships in advance will receive (or have already received) a postcard with a barcode on the mailing label. Please bring that postcard, with the mailing label intact and legible, as well as a valid, government-issued photo ID with you to the registration area at the convention. This will greatly speed up your registration experience.

Note: Forgetting to bring your postcard or a valid, government-issued photo ID will slow down your registration process.

More registration information:

  • Dragon*Con is not selling memberships via Ticketmaster. Memberships will only be available through the Dragon*Con office before the convention and on-site in the Georgia Hall of the Sheraton Atlanta Hotel. (At-the-door rates here)
  • All memberships purchased the week before the convention will be available at a special will-call desk in the Capital Ballroom of the Sheraton on Thursday (Sept 1).
  • Assistance for handicapped, hard-of-hearing, and mobility-impaired individuals is also available, generally free or at cost. Click for more information on our Disability Services.
  • Don’t forget that August 3rd is the last day you can transfer a membership.

If you have questions, or concerns about your pre-registration for Dragon*Con; please contact the Dragon*Con Office directly or call the office during business hours Monday-Friday 9AM-5PM (EST) at 770-909-0115.

Author of the article