Write a Story in an Hour, Really!

For those fans who, like me, are already missing Dragon*Con 2011 and already pining for Dragon*Con 2012 to arrive, here’s your chance for a bit of dragonish fun.  At the very first panel of the Writer’s Track (WRIT), Fri 10AM, I took copious notes on the interactive workshop “Write a Story in an Hour,” wrangled by author Gary Hayes, a… Read more →

Final 2011 Blood Drive Figures

Herein the Monday blood drive figures and the final numbers for the whole convention. Monday: 388 people attempted to give whole blood. 309 people successfully donated. 290 units of blood drawn, 848 units of blood processed. For the whole convention: Total People Registered: 3449 Total People Drawn: 2938 Total Units Drawn: 2754 Total Units Processed: 8039 That’s an almost 400-person… Read more →