’17 Interviews

The Creative Faces of Linda Robertson

The Creative Faces of Linda Robertson

Author Linda Robertson wears multiple creative hats. She writes the Persephone Alcmedi urban fantasy series and the Immanence series and composes music, including a score for the first Immanence novel, Jovienne. A former graphic artist, she has experience in design and layout.  Her love of cosplay at conventions has led her to make costumes of her own, and she works in an office decorated with geek memorabilia. Daily Dragon (DD): Please… Read more →

Robots, Computers, & Magic: Anthony Francis

Robots, Computers, & Magic: Anthony Francis

By day, Anthony Francis teaches robots to learn; by night, he writes science fiction and draws comic books. He’s been attending Dragon Con practically forever and sold his first novel, the urban fantasy Frost Moon, from a contact he made in the Writer’s Track. His first steampunk story, “Steampunk Fairy Chick,” is set at a giant convention, and that led… Read more →

Fantasy, Horror, and Horses: Trisha J. Wooldridge

Fantasy, Horror, and Horses: Trisha J. Wooldridge

Trisha J. Wooldridge has been a freelance editor, copywriter, journalist, and author for over thirteen years. She’s edited over fifty books, three online courses, four tutoring manuals, several issues of Massachusetts Horse magazine, mutual fund resource information, and the text for the Dungeons & Dragons: Stormreach massive multi-player online role playing game. Her fiction includes over a dozen short stories… Read more →

From Zombies in Suburbia to Outer Space: Jake Bible

From Zombies in Suburbia to Outer Space: Jake Bible

Jake Bible grew up fascinated with the speculative and the macabre. A Bram Stoker Award– nominated novelist, a short story writer, an independent screenwriter, a podcaster, and the  inventor of the Drabble Novel, Jake has entertained thousands with his horror and sci-fi tales for all ages and in several genres. He is the author of the bestselling Z-Burbia series, set… Read more →

How to Launch a Book the Geek Way with Filk and Fun: Gray Rinehart

How to Launch a Book the Geek Way with Filk and Fun: Gray Rinehart

When Gray Rinehart, author, editor, Baen Books Slushmaster General, and singer/songwriter, launched his new book Walking On The Sea of Clouds (WordFire Press, July 26, 2017), he invited all of his friends and provided nerdy music, fun and good food. And, if you missed the launch, you can get a sampling of the associated filk and fun at Dragon Con… Read more →

“Some people call him Maurice”: John G. Hartness

“Some people call him Maurice”: John G. Hartness

From award-winning author to editor to publisher of Falstaff Books, John G. Hartness knows his way around the book merry-go-round, beginning with his early days as an indie author. And he’s not afraid to tell you what he thinks in colorful, humorous language. The Daily Dragon quizzed John on the many aspects of his expansive career as he prepared for… Read more →

Long Life, Long Career: Wallace Shawn

Wallace Shawn has been writing plays and acting for nearly 40 years, appearing in movies and television series and lending his voice to iconic roles in many franchises. Before his first visit to Dragon Con, he took a few minutes after filming to speak with the Daily Dragon. Daily Dragon (DD): Deep Space-9, Stargate SG-1, Toy Story, The Princess Bride…… Read more →