Wil Wheaton Steals the Show at The Eureka Panel

Each day at the convention, attendees have been treated to a panel featuring the stars of Eureka. At the Sunday morning panel, Colin Ferguson, Jordan Hinson, and Chris Gauthier were joined by fan favorite, Wil Wheaton.  And as with the other panels, Dr. Kevin R. Grazier was available to field science questions from the audience. The panel, however, quickly turned… Read more →

Why We Love Phineas and Ferb

The Kaleidoscope Track is new at Dragon*Con. This panel on Phineas and Ferb was held Sunday afternoon in the Marriott L405-L406. It filled so quickly participants waited outside the door for the chance to take a seat vacated by another leaving the room. Children from the ages five to twelve made up about a third of the audience. The panelists… Read more →

Geek Wisdom

Like any Dragon*Con attendee, featured guest Stephen H. Segal has long lived by the maxims that lead all our geeky lives:  All that is gold does not glitter / Not all those who wander are lost (The Lord of the Rings); Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent (Foundation); With great power comes great responsibility (good old Spidey!); Fear… Read more →


Returning to the Dollhouse

Getting together to talk about prematurely cancelled shows is a common experience for fans of Joss Whedon, but that doesn’t dampen anyone’s enthusiasm. It was just as true at the “Welcome to the Dollhouse” panel in the Peachtree Ballroom (W) Saturday afternoon. As Eliza Dushku took the stage, she filmed the crowd cheering and clapping, which continued unabated as she… Read more →

Robot Battles Microbattles

Robot Battles Microbattles had a record turnout with 36 robots competing in the Ant and Beetle weight classes.  The Antweight tournament was won by Thomas Kenney of M.H. Robotics with “Gilbert,” defeating Shawn Lyons of Team Tiger Blood with “Bi-Winnigs.”  The Beetleweight tournament was also won by Thomas Kenney of M.H. Robotics with “Shame Spiral,” defeating Brandon Davis of Found… Read more →

Blood Drive Figures for Saturday

Our numbers are continuing to smash last year’s, but we’re slowing down! Keep on bleeding!  615 people attempted to give whole blood. 494 people successfully donated. 1,193 successful units of whole blood gathered. Our three-day total is 2,379 people!