The Dragon*Con 2011 Late Show: Episode 3
It’s the podcast edition of the Dragon*Con Late Show for September 4th, 2011. Brought to you by the Dragon*Con Videography Staff and the Daily Dragon.
It’s the podcast edition of the Dragon*Con Late Show for September 4th, 2011. Brought to you by the Dragon*Con Videography Staff and the Daily Dragon.
Four years ago, Felicia Day stood handing out bookmarks at Comic-Con International, hoping that the promotion for her tiny new web series The Guild wouldn’t get lost in the shuffle of the many scraps of paper thrust at every con-goer. This Saturday, she and her Guild costars Amy Okuda and Robin Thorsen stepped onstage in the Sheraton Grand Ballroom to… Read more →
What happens when you put seven grown men together in a room late at night and give them free reign to talk about guns, explosives, and bare knuckle brawling? You get the “Fightin’ and Writing” panel on Friday 10PM at Manila/Singapore/Hong Kong (Hy). With more than 70 years of experience on the subject between them, these panelists were as qualified… Read more →
On the Friday panel “Breaking In: How It’s Done,” a group of pros shared advice on how to make your first sale. While suggestions varied, panelists agreed that the growth of online social-networking has opened new possibilities. There’s no denying we’re in the midst of a digital revolution. The percentage of ebook sales are growing each year, and some new… Read more →
The Marriott Atrium Ballroom was again packed for the “Eureka/Warehouse 13 Sharing Resources” panel on Friday afternoon. Colin Ferguson, Chris Gauthier, and Jordan Hinson from Eureka were joined by Eddie McClintock from Warehouse 13. Dr. Kevin Robert Grazier, science advisor for Eureka, was also on the panel. The question on everyone’s mind was centered on Eureka’s cancellation. As the moderator… Read more →
I am an unpublished female writer, so when I perused the panel selections the “First Ladies of Fiction” title jumped out at me. The panel included some of the larger names in fiction: Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, Laurell K. Hamilton, and Mercedes Lackey. These women are all highly successful and writers I feel I could learn from as well as enjoy… Read more →
After a jam-packed-busy Friday for this reporter, Saturday has been my “easy” day so far. Having a lull in panels to review and having lost the fight for the last slice-of-life-cake, I will now add some non-dairy-whipped-topping-fluff to the Daily Dragon content. Let us presume, for argument’s sake, that the only important measure of worth in our society is not… Read more →
Up for auction at this Dragon*Con: Gold Leaf Special Edition Pathfinder Core Rulebook. Only 100 copies of this book were produced. Originally only given to members of Paizo’s staff at the time of product launch. This copy has been autographed by of the fine folks at Paizo Publishing. Sun, 10AM Regency V, Hyatt. At the Silent Auction, Sun 8AM, Galleria,… Read more →