An Hour With Walter Koenig

Among all fandom and its variations, perhaps none are more ardent than Trekkies. While trends come and go, Trek fans continue to fill convention sites, and never seem to tire of hearing about the show. Witness the capacity crowd for “An Hour with Walter Koenig” on Friday. Better, and perhaps eternally, known as Chekov from the original series, Koenig continues… Read more →

Writing a Stand-Alone vs. a Series

While creativity on the author’s part typically determines what they want their work to become, ultimately there are outside forces that make the final call. Often the publisher will have the final say in all things concerning the length and print run of a book, but don’t think it’s a snap decision. Nope. It’s based on a “catch 22” formula…. Read more →

Conflict and Suspense

“Conflict and Suspense” gave aspiring writers the opportunities to talk to a variety of sci-fi writers about how they give their stories punch and keep their readers involved. The panel, led by moderator Ann C. Crispin, included Robert Asprin, Andy Duncan, Caitlin R. Kiernan, Rebecca Moesta, Jody Lynn Nye, and John Ringo. Representing a variety of styles from humor to… Read more →

Con Etiquette (NO, it’s not a state East of New York!)

It’s your first Dragon*Con? Great! You’ve been attending Dragon*Con since the very first one? Absolutely fantastic!! Here are a few reminders of things that might slip your mind in all the excitement: Always remember “Please” and “Thank you.” You learned these tools early in your life and they’ll do magical things for you throughout your time at Dragon*Con. Pick up… Read more →

Galactic Civil War Reenactment or “Hey! That Guy’s in Stormtrooper Armor!”

If you’ve been in the lobby of either the Marriott or the Hyatt, you can’t miss them. Imperial stormtroopers have entered the building. And, it’s not just stormtroopers. This year’s Dragon*Con is host to jedi, x-wing pilots, TIE fighter pilots, Boba Fetts (or is that Fetti?), and just about every other costume found in any frame of one of the… Read more →

So Don’t Trust Me

So, you’ve been to all the panels and you’ve pestered all the guests you could find, now what are you gonna do with all your free time? Trust me, you’re greatly mistaken! Did you know there was an art show with hundreds of pieces of original art for sale? There is tons of fantastic stuff to see and buy! Did… Read more →

Taking a Chance at Dragon*Con

The Buffy the Vampire Slayer track at Dragon*Con will boast quite a turnout of celebrity guests this year.  Welcoming back Andrew Hallett (“Lorne”), Dragon*Con is very pleased to add James Marsters (“Spike”), James Leary (“Clem”), Iyari Limon (“Kennedy”), and Danny Strong (“Jonathan”) to our convention line-up.  Enough to satisfy most ravening Buffy fans at Dragon*Con, doncha think? But wait, there’s… Read more →