Friday Night Costuming Contest Winners

Friday Night Costuming Contest Winners

The Costuming Track’s Friday Night Costuming Contest has selected its winners. Winners and contest judges, including Robert Allsopp, Freddy Clements, Kathleen O’Shea David, Cheralyn Lambeth, and Toby Sells, will discuss how the costumes were made and how the judges made their choices during “Meet the Winners of the Friday Night Costuming Contest,” Sat 1PM, M103–105 (M). Novice: Samantha Bork Journeyman:… Read more →

Spotlight on Karl Urban

Spotlight on Karl Urban

Friday at 1PM, Karl Urban shared his charm, exuberance, and talent with fans in the Centennial Room of the Hyatt. He began with a montage of impressions, including an exquisite use of the so-called Shatner comma. When asked why he chose to be an actor, he spoke of his mother’s work in the movie industry and of inspirational films from… Read more →

How History Informs Fantasy

How History Informs Fantasy

The “Napoleon and the Song of Ice and Roses” panel (Fantasy Literature Track, Friday 1PM in the Hyatt Embassy C) addressed the relationship between history and epic fantasy. Track director Charlotte Moore moderated the panel, which included Katherine Kurtz, Naomi Novik, Elizabeth Moon, A.J. Hartley, and Kathryn Hinds. The session opened on a cheerful note when Moore asked the three… Read more →

A Panel on the Sociology of Cyber Warfare

Dr. Craig Greathouse hosted the panel “American Strategic Culture and Cyber War” in the NSDMG/War College track on Friday at 11:00AM. Dr. Greathouse focused on the sociology of cyber warfare and American culture’s ability to sustain and embrace it. The panel opened in standard lecture format, with a few basic definitions to provide a foundation for discussion. Once the audience… Read more →

Friendly Boom

Attending the panel “Ammunition, Explosives, and Ordinance” as lead by K. Dockery, head of the armory track, was an experience for this reporter. The panel opened with a basic history of the invention of black powder and the problems involved with its first implementation–particularly the separation of sulphur and saltpeter. From that point on, Dockery proceeded to captivate the audience… Read more →

Covering the LGBTQA Spectrum in Young Adult Literature

Always well-attended, the “LGBTQA Representation in YA” discussion panel filled the Young Adult Literature track room in Marriott A707 at 11:30AM on Friday. For those who need a quick primer, LGBTQA generally refers to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender/transsexual, queer/questioning, and asexual, though the spectrum also covers other gender and sexuality categories such as intersex, genderqueer, and undecided. Panelists were librarian… Read more →

Friday Daily Dragon Now Out

The 2014 Friday issue of the Daily Dragon is now available. Yellow is the color for Friday, available throughout the convention and at the information booths and registration. Or download the PDF: [gview file=”https://www.dragoncon.org/dailydragon/wp-content/uploads/Friday_082914.pdf” save=”0″][Download the 2014 Friday Daily Dragon as a PDF]